this, I always use external downloads when downloading in "bulk"
I used to use a few TG bots too back in the day, but switched entirely to Annas archive in terms of ebooks, which I can rly recommend
Capitalism alienates people from their labour. Simulated labour — like in videogames or truck driving/farming sims — returns it to it's "original" state, which is rewarding and fulfilling. But without the (material) barrier of entry and hurdles (like relatively high required effort) that IRL hobbies have
The article is fairly short, no? or am I missing something
Firefox reader mode estimates 22 – 27 minutes
That's a shorter read than most good papers and faaar shorter than a book
EDIT: nvm am stoopid
Das ist denke ich klar, genauso klar, wie, dass der Kommentar drüber humorvoll gemeint ist
wenn du schon dabei bist, empfehle ich mal das "Stop mit der Entnazifizierung" der FDP zu suchen
Immer dieser Bayrische Sonderweg smk
Bayern ist wirklich das Texas von Deutschland /hj
iirc hatte ich das von Wikipedia heruntergeladen
Unfortunately that is proprietary software, i.e. it restricts the users four essential freedoms :/