Generally, people disapprove of it if you start yelling out, KILL THAT MOTHERFUCKER MURDER MURDER KILL!
Book the president and the precedent, pls
I've never heard of notepad++ being referred to as cluttered before. It's fairly spartan in my opinion.
Assholes and idiots, aka Microsoft's core consumers
In my opinion, Sublime Text is a little bit better for coding based applications, specifically with like HTML and CSS, even though Notepad++ is great for it too, but just for overall drag and drop replace, works with everything, wonderful, free and open source software, it is very, very difficult to beat Notepad++.
I'm just gonna go into the light and let you guys deal with it.
Ultimate prank, letting everyone else clean up their own messes.
Now combine this with catalytic computing
It's kind of interesting that America does this thing where we punish ourselves.
And by punishing ourselves I mean the rich people bond together to torment the poor people by flaunting their wealth and exacerbating their poverty until the poors scream and struggle.
Typically this happens while natural disasters are also happening like the dust bowl or when earthquakes, fires and plagues beleaguer the nation.
We do this in order to make ourselves feel better in the long run by overcoming that and returning to a point where the rich people are not bonding together so tightly and the poor people are not so oppressed that they would rather die than continue living.
We are pretty good at that, and it has sustained this economy for at least the last 120 years.
But aside for that, I'm proud of the fact that the poors persevere, and that eventually the rich will unmake themselves, and we will inherit the earth.
The first company to sell their soul to mammon was going to win the search engine wars.
If it hadn't been googie it would have been whoever inked the first contract.
That's like saying that because there are only 12 notes in music that you can't write an original composition.
Lots of them.
My most common pastime is just sitting around thinking about things, and I'm sure quite a handful. I am the only person who's ever thought that particular thought.
Like thinking about dimensions, the first dimension is a point, the second dimension is a plane, the third dimension is a cube, right?
Then you cross another fourth dimension and that's time, but that fourth dimension could be thought of as a dot in time, that dot being the present moment.
That would mean that the fifth dimension is a plane of time, containing all of the possible past moments and all of the possible future moments for that dot as observed by the observer.
The sixth dimension is a cube of time, containing all of the possible paths and all of the possible futures for every observer within that closed time-like curve universe thing.
So then what's the seventh dimension? Well, that seventh dimension would be a dot, and that dot contains all of the potential cubes of time and the cubes of existence, in which the original universe is from the observer's viewpoint.
So then the eighth dimension would be a plane of all of the potential universes that the observer could have possibly existed in, and then the ninth dimension would be a cube of all of the potential planes of universes in which the observer could observe.
And the tenth dimension is all of that combined together into a single dot, all of the possible universes and all of the possible timelines that have anything to do with the observer who is observing them, folding like an Ouroboros's tail back into its own mouth.
Of course, there's probably a million ways to disprove this thought, and there's probably an untold number of ways why this thought does not congru with our rational understanding of the universe.
It is highly reliant upon there being some sort of symmetry between each of the levels of dimension in numeric order, or in some sort of observable order that can be laid out in a numerical format.
I am aware that it is a flawed thought, but it is a thought experiment and it is fun, and it's one that I came up with just thinking about how the first through fourth dimensions are currently laid out.
This is the time to step back and ask ourselves if women's sex toys have gone too far.