My favorite one that I have found was a tape measure with exactly one error. The 2' 0.5" mark was marked one sixteenth off. The entire rest of the tape measure was accurate.
The how I bang your big mother theory.
"Google maps confirmed this" Sure buddy
Transcendental Cha Cha Cha, makes you feel high, while sober.
Not an expert in it, but this isn't necessarily AI, it could be good ol' image text recognition that has existed for years now.
I do but that is because I use RSS feeds and heavily curate what I get (think new scientific papers, animation news, and DIY stuff) those articals are almost always interesting enough to get me to read them in entirety. Politics on the other hand... I check in maybe once a month to see what is going on. If something huge happens I'm sure I will find out from my coworkers quick enough.
2001 here literally grew up with CRT static, you have your years a bit off there.
Came here to post this
When searching for info, yes. But just daily use and scrolling no
I'm a sucker for Nixie Tubes
I am also interested in the open source sdk they claim it will have. I've been wanting to build an openbook for ages, but sourcing the pannel has proved pretty much impossible. This might wind up being the next best thing