
joined 2 years ago
[–] 4 points 2 years ago

I can't live without music, so SomaFM it is.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

Emotional commitment through familiarity. For me music is a great tool for getting into the flow and the only music that does that and not overload me is atmospheric ambient music. Any singing automatically grab my attention and getting me out of the flow, surprisingly chanting does not. On the other hand Classical/Jazz music is highly stimulating so it goes well along physically demanding activities.


Does the end user really prefer apps over a web interfaces? Do native apps bring some security benefits? Isn't maintaining apps for every single operating system and phone model out there more costly and time consuming than offering universally accessible web interface that works on any device? Isn't creating apps for every single product out there essentially about data collection?


Is it used to make headlines/posts more catchy? Does it have any logical explanation?

What Is The Origin Of That?


Every time my phone gets connected to bluetooth speaker, messaging apps automatically come out of forced stop state and start running in the background.

Shouldn't force stopping applications prevent them from any type of interaction/activity, and if not, why only 2 messaging apps, in this case, signal and telegram get reactivated and brought to background? Any ideas? Is this some sort of a bug, I'm on Android 13.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

so keeping tabs on posts by quickly downvoting/upvoting (in)convenient subjects, as well as slightly steering them away from what's really being discussed, might be a pretty handy tactic for manipulating course of conversation, and also making them look like not sufficiently valuable or important to be worth one's time?


It doesn't matter if the most upvoted comment is pro or against subject in discussion. All that matters is bolstering a comment that is minimally compatible with participant's thinking and making it win against the opposite argument (competing and most voted one).

So it seems that the most satisfactory comment (for most readers) doesn't really matter at all. What matters, before anything else, is visibility of an opinion that somewhat aligns with one's thinking, rather than writing or finding the most corresponding comment for that subject, fully compatible with reader's perception.


I found some tutorials, like this one here that basically shows, that it is technically possible. There was one answer on quora recommending development kit from Nordic to do it. But I assume that without soldering and stuff it wouldn't be possible and it is not as easy as flashing some firmware via usb cable connected to some device.

So is there any easy way of changing those funky factory implemented names with some regular and easily accessible kit and software? I'm just curious but if there was an easy way for doing it, I'd definitely give it a try.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

great, finally it's gone, thanks


I'm sure that it can be useful for a lot of people but for me magnifier's popup (on android) always getting in a way and makes text selection so much harder.

Is there any way to disable this feature, any entry in about:config for that, I'd like to turn it off browser wise?

Thanks, solution:

  • about:config
  • layout.accessiblecaret.magnifier.enabled
  • false

So basically 24 hours after posting, there is almost no contributions coming in, and after another 24h, it’s nearly impossible to see anybody chipping in to the subject in question. Everything goes silent, almost as if it didn’t matter anymore.