
joined 2 years ago
[–] 4 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Maybe cross pollination? Many people have geraniums in the area and the bees likely carry the pollen everywhere

I also heard as a child that if a red geranium petal falls on the soil of a white geranium it can tint their flowers. But that sounds like a urban legend to me!


Both are grandchildren of a totally white geranium, children of a slightly red tinted one. Sprouted via seeds from their parents fruits.

I think they are gorgeous!

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Excellent memories! I used PC Globe so much when I was in elementary school. I didn't have an encyclopedia, and when some friend handed me that diskette it opened a new world to me. I ran that software so much that I memorized the world map, with capitals and population orders of magnitude.

My geography teacher was so impressed, they didn't know how a small kid could have memorized the world. I even knew some anthems by playing them on the PC Speaker. Over time we all got Encarta, then Wikipedia, but for a brief amount of time, a floppy disk contained the world for many of us.

[–] 8 points 2 years ago

Since the Digg migration, when was that, 2010?

Since Reddit's APIcalypse the content of that site has gone to the drain. It is very clear that power users are no longer posting quality content. I am much more amused by Lemmy than Reddit nowadays, though it's true that it has that new car smell and the communities will keep growing and reforming from the Reddit ashes.

I don't think Reddit will disappear, but it's not the same site it was two months ago, that's a fact.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

I actually used beos as a daily driver for a few months. This was maybe around 2000 or 2001. WinME crashed a lot for me and I couldn’t make linux detect my winmodem. Installed beos and everything was great. Dual booted with windows 98 when I wanted to play StarCraft.

Moved to Linux soon after but I will always remember those great days.

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