how can this possibly be a good investment? genuinely confused, i didn't think this franchise still had much of a fanbase
wait, they were supposed to be brought back this month at the latest, are there further delays??
i looked into those myself. it's worth knowing that they're several Android updates behind, so the devices could be less secure.
yeah, my department is punishing people for using their sick leave lol
they backtracked when they realized how many people were on there for the porn lol
it's an old microblogging platform, was popular around Myspace era but still has a decent base. it's mostly fandom stuff, art and porn.. i personally like following artists on there
it has been for awhile. cats have been dying from it too
you can get wider ones but mine are standard so they would clog probably, i got my first set here and they have extra wide ones. but now i just grab a set if i see them at Aldi or Ross.
they are dishwasher safe :)
glass for me. that way i know they get completely clean
i use them pretty much exclusively but i have a collection of glass ones i reuse. i have a weird thing about drinking from an open cup so i always have a lid/straw.
it blows my mind that people buy ebooks when Libby is free.