I'm currently using it as my daily driver (and typing this reply using it) , it's great but +100MB of size for a keyboard is.... unfavorable to me
joined 6 months ago
In general there are few FOSS SMS apps to try Check Quick SMS or Deku SMS on Fdroid , both are forked from QKSMS
Whoever helped in overthrowing the Assad regime
It didn't , thank god
that if we break tv's screen , tv charecters can get out of it and we can enter tv
AFAIK Google earn money from android by its apps being pre-installed on phones , so it's up to phones' companies to decide this ... I'm personally afraid of selling Android to a company that close source it
No because I personally laugh over my extremely silly jokes
Ability to feel slightly deeper while watching emotional films
Movies , audiobooks ,rarely apks and PDFs
Is it really the guinea pig answering, or just a troll post?