Great game. I originally played it over 20 years ago and still think about it.
As much as it is fun to revisit legacy characters and settings, they need to do a complete break, TNG style, and set a show somewhere where we can have new adventures with new characters. Lower Decks is somehow the closest to doing this and it's a member berry show. The constant revisiting (and retconning) is slowly suffocating the franchise.
I noticed it on an NHL broadcast recently. I guess it's cool they can do that now, but it removes the local flavor of the team hosting the event.
There is a Vancouver in Washington State.
Do you have a link for that Eau Claire Interview?
Apologies on the multiple submissions, I was having Internet issues
Apologies on the multiple submissions, I was having Internet issues
Apologies on the multiple submissions, I was having Internet issues
I was intrigued by the demo. I was not expecting a mix of death stranding, base management and, relationship sim.
I feel like I am the only person who still buys MP3 files direct.
Ahh the paperboard case for Deus Ex. That brings back some memories. It's amazing that it is in such good condition.