
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 4 days ago

rsync from ZFS to an off-site unraid every 24 hours 5 times a week. on the sixth day it does a checksum based rsync which obviously means more stress so only do it once a week. the seventh day is reserved for ZFS scrubbing every two weeks.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago

I agree. If it's unfixable it has to be something out of their control. I mean nothing is unfixable but really the only explanation for a bug being too costly to fix is that something auxiliary changed which forces you to either go back to the drawing board or cut your losses.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I thought you were learning by yourself. If you have a teacher/class and you need to consult the internet for advice that probably doesn't bode well for your teacher's performance.

I'm not suggesting to use AI to cheat on a test or something, even with the existence of AI we should still try to build our own knowledge and understanding. But I mean if you got some homework or whatever and you feel like your understanding should already be further developed why not ask an advisor which has time for you 24/7? What counts is your own progress and nothing else. The goal isn't to let AI do the work and be done with it but to gain an understanding which your teacher seemingly couldn't convey to you.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Not trying to whitewash or anything but I figure it's more like Democrats won't threaten 4 years of legislative work against you unless you play ball. Under a Democrat majority Apple just has to lobby in their own interests wherever necessary, federally or otherwise, as you do. With Trump you can't sway a Republican senator's vote unless you pay his boss as well.

I hope he wrote Tim Apple on the cheque so orange man will know who it's from.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

To me it's like the old saying from Win9x days "Help, I've deleted the internet". Removing an Internet Explorer shortcut from the desktop might be easier than nuking a Linux installation, but I think if the point is to be of service to absolute tech-illiterates then you need to be ready for anything, any edge case. And like you say, if Flatpaks and all that just work then what would be the downside of immutability?

I mean in theory one can make deep-rooted changes to macOS, but I haven't once seen it fail to upgrade successfully. And I definitely wouldn't consider Windows immutable with how many things can go wrong in practice. I've had more than a few customers who lost wifi drivers through no fault of their own, in one case the entire device wasn't visible anymore, so reinstalling a driver wouldn't have done anything, all I could do was roll back the feature update and ensure it won't install it again. In that sense, immutable Linux might even be the best offering out there today. The only thing it lacks (besides Android and SteamOS) is a multi-billion dollar company backing it for wider desktop adoption.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I think it's a fair point that immutable distros are still a developing concept and probably not ready for primetime, but I do feel that eventually this must be the answer to make things absolutely bulletproof for people (of which there are many) who have a natural ability of nuking their OS.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Why would it have to be KDE or XFCE? GNOME as it exists today is probably the closest to macOS' design language, and whatever you do designing any kind of operating system UI, macOS needs to be the benchmark. GNOME 2 in the olden days was my favorite DE so today I have to go for things like KDE or MATE but I'm not a novice and I can fully acknowledge that what works for me isn't what works for everyone. GNOME probably made the right decisions to lower the entry barrier towards Linux.

XFCE to me is purely a choice for outdated hardware so unless your extreme beginner has an extremely old PC XFCE is a non-starter. Whether KDE can be made more accessible to the non-initiated I can't say. Anything that has a Windows-esque taskbar is probably ill-equipped from the start as well. Again, macOS is as easy to use in a keyboard and mouse sense as tablets and smartphones are with our fingers. This is the way.

[–] 18 points 2 months ago

This is the only take based in reality. Nobody (except us) cares about openness, federation or business models. What matters are ease of use and adoption.

Of course that doesn't mean that the other takes are missing the mark in terms of history possibly repeating itself in the future. But if it does, that just means that (as is to be expected) the people don't make momentary decisions with a bigger (collective) picture in mind. Design needs to address individual needs first and foremost especially when it comes to social media.

Nobody joins a platform to beat corporate ownership of people's digital lives. BlueSky manufactured adoption by starting out as an invite-only cool kids club. Having to pick a fediverse instance is an entry barrier. There will always be a lot less money to throw around when you're trying to create something under the umbrella of freedom and openness. I don't see how these movements could ever win, even if they provide an arguably better product.

[–] 11 points 2 months ago (2 children)

World hunger can't be cured for profit. The hunger of the many is directly caused by the greed of the few.

But I'd love to see them try of course. The billions Musk has evaporated with his purchase could've also been spent less egotistically.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Windows can definitely be a nuisance these days especially during the setup. But you mention a key aspect at the end. Touch-based devices these days are super intuitive compared to what we've grown accustomed to on our desktops for decades. And they aren't just miniature PCs anymore, they can do all the same stuff, regardless of whether they're actually being used for the same things we associate with desktop-work.

Linux has a huge userbase in the form of Android and therein virtually no entry-barrier or learning-curve to speak of. I feel that that's where we need to go. Mac OS is already there. Windows is just living and breathing off the fact that its market share was once virtually 100%. I think a good example of what I mean is how Valve are leveraging Linux on their Steam Deck. It's still intimidating when you switch over to the KDE desktop, but as a regular ~~user~~ gamer you won't ever need to. Everything this device has been built to do can be done in a tailor-made UI for its purpose. Or think ChromeOS. I can install a virtual Debian beneath ChromeOS if I want more control over what I can install but other than that the OS is dead simple to use.

Linux deserves mass adoption but it needs to think user experience first just like the big corporations do. I firmly believe that that's possible even when the big bucks aren't being thrown around.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I have a middle aged customer who is legitimately using Mint on one of those old Athlons today in 2024 for her day to day. There literally is no reason for her to upgrade hardware unless her usecases evolve into something more demanding.

I agree Linux is a lot more accessible than it used to be, but if I understand you correctly the people you helped transition still needed at least some initial holding of their hands. If for example you buy a laptop with Linux preinstalled that initial hurdle could be cleared but I still believe there's a learning curve at least as steep as it would be for someone learning Windows for the first time. The difference being that everything out there takes Windows into account.

If you just wana surf the web Linux can probably be as easy as ChromeOS these days but that isn't really a usecase where operating systems can make a difference one way or the other.

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