In my experience price is more between 20-60€ for flights in europe if you want to travel on a specific date and less if you're free to choose.
Maybe OP could also try if he could contribute to existing projects.
I thank you for your critic but I'm not writing a research paper here and therefore wikipedia is a good ressource for the uniniated public. This is also why I think it's sufficient to know a) what an artificial neural network is by talking about the simplest examples b) this field of research didn't initiate 10 years ago as often conceived by public, when first big headlines were made. These tradeoffs are always made: correctness vs simplification. I see your disagreeing with this PoV but that's no reason to be condescending.
Hahahaha, wie geil. Hab eben deine Kommentare unter einem anderen Post gelesen und feier die Salzigkeit.
Ich nutze Yoitube über die Mobilseite mit uBlock + "Video Background Play Fix". Wo liegt der Vorteil eine App zu benutzen?
The specifics are a bit different, but the main ideas are much older than this, I'll leave here the Wikipedia
"Frank Rosenblatt, who published the Perceptron in 1958,[10] also introduced an MLP with 3 layers: an input layer, a hidden layer with randomized weights that did not learn, and an output layer.[11][12] Since only the output layer had learning connections, this was not yet deep learning. It was what later was called an extreme learning machine.[13][12]
The first deep learning MLP was published by Alexey Grigorevich Ivakhnenko and Valentin Lapa in 1965, as the Group Method of Data Handling.[14][15][12]
The first deep learning MLP trained by stochastic gradient descent[16] was published in 1967 by Shun'ichi Amari.[17][12] In computer experiments conducted by Amari's student Saito, a five layer MLP with two modifiable layers learned internal representations required to classify non-linearily separable pattern classes.[12]
In 1970, Seppo Linnainmaa published the general method for automatic differentiation of discrete connected networks of nested differentiable functions.[3][18] This became known as backpropagation or reverse mode of automatic differentiation. It is an efficient application of the chain rule derived by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in 1673[2][19] to networks of differentiable nodes.[12] The terminology "back-propagating errors" was actually introduced in 1962 by Rosenblatt himself,[11] but he did not know how to implement this,[12] although Henry J. Kelley had a continuous precursor of backpropagation[4] already in 1960 in the context of control theory.[12] In 1982, Paul Werbos applied backpropagation to MLPs in the way that has become standard.[6][12] In 1985, David E. Rumelhart et al. published an experimental analysis of the technique.[7] Many improvements have been implemented in subsequent decades.[12]"
It's a shame really... the country is being destroyed by these people. Big public projects and the money just disappears. Ordinary people paying their taxes and trying the best for their families, but some smugs just want it all. Nobody would ever need this much money.
Many need to leave their beloved homes because the lack of perspective caused by the Mafia in their region like ndrangheta in Calabria. Like a disease they've also been spreading to Germany already.
Vaffanculo Mafia!
Alle Menschen sind gleich. Ausser du hast einen direkten wirtschaftlichen Mehrwert.
To the second question it's not novel at all. The models used were invented decades ago. What changed is Moores Law striked and we got stronger computational power especially graphics cards. It seems that there is some resource barrier that when surpassed turns these models from useless to useful.
I use Arsch btw
I did and I'm not getting why you're so upset confused fish sounds
Is he known outside of Germany?