They should force Gamefreak to make a better Pokemon game. That would teach Pal World a lesson.
To gently suggest which ledge you might want to jump to next, as if there are multiple options.
It's that pursed-lip about-to-say-some-bigoted-shit Karen face.
Look at this guy, he doesn't comprehend the true nature of man or like human crunch.
I can't understand your accent. Persint. The i is after the s.
Don't people microwave the water, not the tea?
Incorrect. You're in a social media bubble.
The average person who gets chosen for jury duty somehow won't know who this guy is despite reports on every media outlet. It blows my mind how oblivious those people can be.
The Ewoks probably felt similarly.
Well okay, destroying the giant death laser probably had its perks. But also symbolism for the Empire.
Damn, sorry to hear you lost your girlfriend
This sounds exactly like Amazon's "Just walk out" grocery store concept that actually required remote supervising by workers in India.
Maybe the towel helps remove minerals from "hard" water.