"panta-court" c'est un jeu de mot avec pantalon
"cassos" c'est pas un gars que tu aimerais voir se casser mais un "cas social"
"panta-court" c'est un jeu de mot avec pantalon
"cassos" c'est pas un gars que tu aimerais voir se casser mais un "cas social"
Thing is, I don't think NASA and SpaceX compete. NASA is not a for-profit company and was happy to see successful private companies in the sector. They'll happily be a SpaceX client so that they can focus on actual research and do things that are not profitable (yet)
Assumer est beaucoup plus facile quand les journalistes ne vous apportent jamais la contradiction.
Les bundles itch c'est toujours une bonne affaire, et rarement pour une mauvaise cause. Il suffit de trouver une perle dedans pour rentabiliser le tout. Là Pyrene m'a surpris. Au style graphique j'y aurais pas mis 10 euros pourtant le game design et la profondeur des différents styles de jeu des persos est super intéressante ! J'angoisse à la perspective d'y perdre une 50aine d'heures en le refaisant avec chaque personnage !
Une vingtaine de militants d’extrême droite ont attaqué une soirée cinéma antifasciste autour de la diffusion du film Z du réalisateur Costa-Gavras
L'ironie du truc quand on connaît le début du film
Comment ça "louper"? J'appelle ça une réussite critique!
Sleeper Citizen, qu'on m'a recommandé suite à une discussion sur le cyber/solarpunk et sur les mécaniques de jeu simples et narratives. Il est assez court mais sympa et en effet, ça fait un jeu qui marche très bien avec très peu de graphisme (10-20 portraits) et une bonne écriture.
Ils mettent quoi dans la baguette de pain de supermarché pour qu'elle s'effrite comme ça au bout d'une journée? J'ai déjà loupé du pain mais j'ai jamais eu droit à ce genre de truc: éponge pendant une journée et truc qui s'émiette le lendemain.
This appears to be the only currently-operating (though the most recent news about it I can find is from 2023) underwater datacenter project, and it is in a certain country where it is somewhat easier for long-term environmental concerns to supersede capitalism’s profit motive. It would be great if they can make it an economically viable model which becomes commonplace, but until they do… datacenters today are still extremely thirsty.
I think you miss the reason why Microsoft started that and why I think Chinese businessowners are funding this: it is profitable.
When you own a datacenter cooling down is costly. It costs water and power. Therefore you limit cooling as much as you can but it is a balancing act: electronics like cold environments. The more you cool down, the less hardware failures you have. Submerging datacenters allowed for less components failures and less cooling expense.
The reason why these are not widespread yet is because of an unpopular reason that usually gets me downvotes when I mention it: datacenters cooling is currently not a huge problem either economically or ecologically in most places and there are tons of places with a water surplus that don't mind this use. This is an artificial problem that AI haters try to present as a blocker but this is not a reasoning, this is a rationalization: they don't like AI therefore the resources it uses must be problematic.
Yes and it would be great if we could keep them separate.
Underwater experiments in 2020
Real world deployement in 2021
Something that people need to understand is that AI companies (let's talk about them instead of "AIs" that have no agency) are on a race to use less energy and less water per request for a very simple and selfish reason: it costs money.
Datacenters put forward their energy efficiency not because of environmental concern or even for greenwashing, but because it means "We have lower costs. We are efficient".
GPT-3, that most publications use as a baseline for their calculations, is from 2020. It is a bad and inefficient model. OpenAI brags about their models becoming bigger and bigger, but many suspect that what they sell is actually a distilled version running on much smaller models. There are many tricks in the book that were invented since 2020 to improve the inference performance of models.
I'd be very wary of publications that extrapolate energy use of AI models (per request) going up. That's clearly not the trend.
Bah j'avais jamais fait le lien entre les deux mots, c'est tout.