Not only that but if you do have active electronics you also most likely have a 9v shaped door on the back of the instrument for access to change said battery.
If you don’t see a door, you probably don’t have active electronics.
Not only that but if you do have active electronics you also most likely have a 9v shaped door on the back of the instrument for access to change said battery.
If you don’t see a door, you probably don’t have active electronics.
Just watched this happen live and hogan got booed HARD. It was so good to see, thanks WWE 🫡
Yeah I guess! However in my experience the best images available for purchase are glossy printed with a one time use adhesive back, often referred to as “stickers”
My solution is to use sticky tack (adhesive putty) to put the stickers on an area of my wall that I’ve dedicated to that.
It allows me to use and display the stickers without using its real adhesive.
I had the same experience with my first trial last month.
It is so intriguing to me that there are people out there who want a campaign to come knock on their door.
Makes sense. It was an idealistic idea that was never going to work because it would rely on advertisers honoring a consumer’s request.
Idgaf how many people use Firefox as long as it’s available for me. This isn’t social media, we don’t need adoption in order to enjoy the browser?
It seems like Bluesky kind of did all of this with ATProto but they’re just met with constant criticisms
It’s like everyone agrees mastodon isn’t the “right” special concoction but any attempt ever made to do something different or better and people shoot it down because it’s “not open like mastodon”
Definitely agree. The orbs are very unpredictable in their pathing most of the time and the overlap with frontals or big area denying AoE makes it super not fun.
Honestly with their dungeon difficulty ramping like it is, I’m not sure we need “affixes” like this anymore? Anytime I get killed by them the feeling is never “oh I could’ve played that better” it’s always “well that overlap was impossible to avoid, guess we just hope it doesn’t happen again in the future”
Did Fatu give that first security guard a chair shot to the head on NBC? lololol I love this