I'd love a tabletob machine learning sorter, manually sort a bunch and tell it which are bad and which are good and then let it sort the rest.
Do you use any automatic sorting to get rid of the bed kernels? I'm wondering if industrial high speed image detection sorting machines is something you can DIY
This is really nice, my biggest hesitation with paid search engines is that by paying I'm giving away my identify and linking that to my searches. This seem to fix that!
That is very very unlikely.. I still haven't made a of site backup ;)
Hold on let me go make some offsitr backups first
Might be most efficient when power is in higedt demands, in the morning and evenings when everyone is using power at home.
Disposal Dude*
- dude is gender neutral
Could you try Hitler is a Nazi?
Or trace the buttons to chip for one that you know the secret button combo and board , im thinking is probably same pins on chip , just buttons that move around between models
You forgot to mention the Nazis imported from Germany after the war..
Most companies do not want to deal with independent contractors, there might even be some penalties for the company if the contractor screwes up their taxes.
Solution is go through on of the many consulting firms, they will deal with the paper work, might even try to match you with a job and take a large cut of the pay.
If you want to go independent you'd need to have your own business. Your life will be in a constant state of stress of either no paid work, but still writing quotes and having meetings about potential work that never materialises, or too much work.
Ah the one with KGB grandfather? https://www.jacobsilverman.com/p/prominent-doge-staffer-is-grandson