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[–] 3 points 1 week ago (6 children)

how would you know though?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

right. he is not The Most Racist Man Alive.

part of it is that straight cis and especially white men were targeted by nazi radicalization pipelines starting really hard in the 00's on every major algorithm driven media platform, social and otherwise. queers mostly dodged that, partially because the character of modern racism tends to be paired with homophobia, and you can't really nourish that socially without catching a lot of shit for being queer, but also because it just wasn't targeted at us. they wanted little reinhardt heidrichs, not little ernst rohms, especially because the nazis had been working to recruit evangenlical christians for decades. evangelical christians: anti quer first, racist second. being racist and queer must be so fucking disempowering.

but also, we're more resistant to it. part of the experience of being queer is stepping outside of norms, and to whatever degree swimming against the current, opting into a more marginal difficult position because it's right/feels good/lets you genuinely survive without fucking killing yourself. and all of that makes being an open bigot a lot harder. not impossible, but harder. plus, we tend to be farther left politically because the conservative edifice of the nuclear family as nucleus of society has historically excluded a lot of us from society, and pushing that shit on someone who you want to fuck whose family threw them out is not a good way to get laid, even if yours was cool about it.

there's also that genocide the american christofascists did to us within living memory. some people are still kinda bitter about that. many of the institutions and social forms we created to cope are still kicking around.

'criminal justice' would be cool; we should try it sometime. closest I've seen was pinned on some italian dude in new york.

also, mexico's cartel problem MAY have been started, or at least seriously ramped up, by the CIA-it's exactly their SOP, and it got seriously bad like right after a teacher's strike in oaxaca got juuuust a little too much popular support, started looking really communist.

[–] -2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

queers are a lot less likely to do this shit though. for various reasons, many of them based around a much clearer self interest rather than some innate superiority. not that we aren't also innately superior to the hets.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (8 children)

speaking as a lesbian: I am not and have never dated the most racist man alive. QED.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

but that would be communism. which would mean you need 'anti communists' like musk to fight it. sorry. had almost this exact same discussion in california fifteen years ago. you need some extra extra justification to back it, which means you're going to need really good messaging. kinda hoping you can skip the bullshit we went through on this that gave the nazis time to fuck everything up.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

see, there's actually an argument here.

nazis are kind of don't live in material reality. they're all solipsists. if something real fucks their shit up, they need to create a diagetic reason for it to have happened, that cauterizes the intrusion of material reality into their fantasy world. they are as human as thanos or the red skull. if you would toss a ruined comic book, or rotted DVD, you should feel no guilt about doing the same to a nazi 'life', because you are not ending their life as they see it. you don't even exist to them.

because they're solipsists, they functionally do not, cognitively, live in our material reality, and when material reality effects them, they contrive a reason within their own fantasy world for it to have happened that works on, if not fails to contradict, the internal vibes based 'logics' of the fantasy. they're effectively characters in a very very poorly written fantasy novel, and it's very difficult to give a shit when the writing is so inept.

also they want to murder you, and maybe have the means to do it. also tends to undermine sympathy.

still counts, if it was filled with pureed fish guts.

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