I have a pretty good set of electronics tools. I used to use the flush side cutters. Someone bought me a gift of fancy German nail cutters , they look like the electronics tools, but are curved to do better on nails. No brand markings on them, but they are the best.
I used to have a big plastic tub that I just tossed all the cables into. After a few years, it was literally all one piece; no matter where you pulled, the entire thing would come out. It took 5 minutes of untangling to get anything out. My brother called it an abomination.
I bag each type separately, as you do. I have fewer audio cables, so they are also bagged in the same bin, quarter and eighth inch phone cables separately. No Apple stuff. Extras like DE9 serial and MIDI cables. IEC power cables are in the bin, extension cords coiled, hanging from the basement ceiling.
Good to hear,I just bought this today, have not even broken the shrink wrap.
Played Grand Austria Hotel for the first time. It's cute, and there are enough different ways to score that it will likely have good long term play.
Owww. You have my sympathy. Have had both, not at the same time. Shingles seems to come and go at random. Gout I've been able to control long term by eating less meat, especially seafood, more veggies.
Nice! I like fixing things but have never had the nerve to open up my digital piano.
My two 8 month old, not-quite-kittens anymore have been tag teaming each other going into heat. We have had almost non stop yowling now. We need to wait 2 more weeks for their appointment. It's a good thing I have earplugs, or would not sleep too well.
Other news, we made them a climbing wall with lots of activities, and they love it. We decided to keep them indoors. I have never done this before, felt pretty bad about it, but they don't seem to mind too much, and we are determined to keep them from getting too boired.
That's the problem, it doesn't snow enough now... I used to be able to XC on trails in my hometown, now the snow is too thin and patchy. The ice is too thn on the lakes to be trustworthy. We get an extra 3 months of stick season, almost no snow season.
Yes! The art is pretty, and the play is pretty chill.
My wife and I play Tokaido Duo frequently, the game play is different (you roll dice to determine your move), but specifically for two players.
Also, if you like Tokaido, you might like Parks, which has has similar play and pretty art.
Have you considered GrapheneOS? Not an open source phone as you say, but it is at least open source software, running on hardware with published specs. It should be capable of everything you want.
Yum. All good stuff. Healthy too.
I agree, the majority of Americans are decent, not racist or various forms of genophobic, and resisting as best they can. The government and media has merged into a monster. ii looks huge and scary; that's by design. If you give up hope, they have won.