Definitely Armored Core! And then the Cyberpunk dlc, when Im done with Armored Core
I use the superior method, a mess of illegible scribblings in a journal. I am trying to get better about it, though. And one thing im really trying to do is focus my prep on what the region is like, and what the important actors there are doing, and not on what i think the players will do. Every time I try to predict the pc actions they completely flip my prep on its head, so I want to go for more of an "informed improv" type prep
Im glad you like Lancer! Ive been trying to statrt a game with my friends- weve only played dnd 5e together but they all enjoy combat, we sometimes run "fight clubs" or just out of context combat encounters, so I hope theyll enjoy Lancers combat. And, unfortunately im the only sci fi person in a friend group of fantasy people so Ive been dying for a sci fi game haha
Honestly, I think thats just a love it or hate it thing that I can totally see why it isnt for everyone and I dont blame you, but I personally love it and would hate to see it reduced/taken away. Once I leaned into it it really encourages me to explore and I enjoy the new fuse system enough that I like when a weapon breaks because Im excited to make a new one
Would you mind linking those posts? Im having a bit of trouble adjusting but there seems to be huge potential here.
Yeah! I just learned that fusing elemental items to shields adds elemental shockwaves when you block, and it really made me think more about my shield fusions