After today's EO and the attack on NYC congestion pricing, Trump will just tell insurance companies to ignore any laws that limit their power.
It's time for the military to fulfill their oaths.
This is not beautiful data.
Pharmaceutical companies are going to deal with this clown quickly. Bet they are already consulting with Boeing.
Maybe they are just naturally warm. When I was younger you could feel the heat pouring off of me.
Just Egg is pretty expensive.
We are mad but we are also distracted and overwhelmed. You can't get mad at work because you might get fired. Then there goes your housing and food and healthcare. It's going to have to get a lot worse before things pop off.
Man, that's a diplomatic slap in the face. I hope the Geman people take offense a slap AfD down.
You have to have an educated populace in order to comprehend how the government works. The systematic dismantling of education since at least the eighties has left people ill equiped to deal with the world.
I think there is going to be more like this.