... i did not speak out because premature Nazi comparisons diminish the Nazi crimes and are antisemitic.
We'll have to wait for at least 5 million gassed before we can think about Nazi comparisons.
/s just in case.
... i did not speak out because premature Nazi comparisons diminish the Nazi crimes and are antisemitic.
We'll have to wait for at least 5 million gassed before we can think about Nazi comparisons.
/s just in case.
They'll do when they realize that's the only way to fit 30,000 immigrants into a torture camp that can hold < 1000 inmates.
By May 2003, the Guantanamo Bay detention camp had grown into a larger and more permanent facility that housed over 680 prisoners, the vast majority without formal charges.
Yesterday, inspired by the news about mass depaorations, i watched a documentary on the Final Solution.
Among a lot of interesting things, one thing stood out to me: The original Nazis were afraid that the german people would not only reject genocide, but also reject the idea of jews (aka. their neighbors) being sent to brutal labor camps.
So they produced propaganda movies depicting the city Theresienstadt as a spa town. And then told the public that the jews would be sent there to be protected from the increasingly antisemitic public.
To lull victims into a false sense of security, the SS advertised Theresienstadt as a "spa town" where Jews could retire, and encouraged them to sign fraudulent home purchase contracts, pay "deposits" for rent and board, and surrender life insurance policies and other assets.
Nowadays, you can just tell the american people:
Hey, we are gonna send your neighbors to a torture camp. Great camp. Lovely camp. Most brutal camp of the world.
And they are like: Yessss, finally a solution to the migrant question.
I can also recommend Life Under Adolf Hitler: The First Years Of Nazi Germany.
Those that do not vote don't seem to vote meaningfully different from voters.
This is to be expected, as non-voters either don't care to vote as they have their own problems, or have a general mistrust of the voting system. These traits are not specific to progressives or conservatives, so they don't skew the outcome meaningfully.
As much as i would like it, there is no 1/3 of the population that is made from antinatalist communists just waiting for the signal.
Sadly election results prove every few years, that you are the only one seeking radical change.
~30-50% want extreme conservativism/capitalism.
~20-40% want everything as-is.
~30% want mild improvements like a really low UBI.
<5% want to get rid of oligarchs.
<.1% want to eliminate suffering.
...until the owners of that company realize how much more money they could make by introducing stuff like planned obsolescence.
Humans that have no price are really really rare.
There are 2 kinds of companies:
What this means in this case is that only your own E-Mail server running on a Raspi in your own home can be considered private or secure in the long run. Unfortunately this is really really hard to do, which is the only reason i have not done it yet.
Personally i do not consider any E-Mail private, because E-Mail is not E2E-encrypted, and 99.9% of times one side of the conversation is going to be hosted on some shady companies servers.
Of course Proton delivers a great service, because they make an insecure protocol a little less insecure, and i personally use Proton mail. Unfortunately their closed-source nature makes it impossible to switch providers without abandoning their great software.
As for services like Drive, they can actually be hosted privately and securely on your own Raspi with stuff like NextCloud/OwnCloud.
For those that can't/don't want to self-host, i would recommend paying for a hoster that hosts FOSS software and contributes to it either with money or code. In that case you would probably loose E2E-encryption, but gain the ability to switch providers once your provider turns on you. In that case at least some of your money would continue to offer value to you by having improved the software you are still using.
Personally, i have never experienced problems while reading from USB sticks, but i have while writing. I have a 15+ years old USB2 stick and a new USB3.x stick. The USB2 stick writes with constant ~20MB/s, while USB3 is all over the place between 200MB/s and ~0.1MB/s. Unusable for me. For a while i used external HDDs and SSDs over USB3, as they somehow run without problems, but they are cumbersome and expensive.
Therefore i have switched to transfer files over the network (for large files i plug in Ethernet) using KDE connect. Unfortunately it can not send folders (yet), so i would .tar them before sending, and untar them after.
LocalSend would also be an option. Maybe that can do folders natively.
Signs of Addiction:
When your router's chips are made in China, flashed in China with closed source firmware and the money you pay goes to Chinese companies, then it's backdoored.
When your router's chips are made in China, flashed in China with closed source firmware and the money you pay goes to American companies, it's bulletproof.
Just open your "secure" "American" router and look where they are made and flashed. I bet it's not USA.
100% Zustimmung von meiner Seite.
Ich hatte Englisch und Spanisch (immernoch 1000x nützlicher als Latein).
Englisch kann ich besser denn je, vorallem wegen YouTube und der EU/USA orientierten Seite des Internets. Hat sich definitiv sehr gelohnt mir das beizubringen.
Spanisch? Nun, ich hab glaub ich seither mal einen Film gesehen den es nur in Spanisch gab. Fast nichts verstanden, dann einfach deutsche Untertitel angemacht.
Grindsätzlich denke ich schon dass es sinnvoll ist eine Sprache zu sprechen die weit verbreitet ist, aber eine 2. zusätzlich, auch wenn sie so verbreitet ist wie Spanisch bringt fast nichts.
Und wenn man dann den gigantischen Zeitaufwand bedenkt, gibt es einfach keinen Sinn (außer um die Kinder zu quälen).
Da wäre es 10000x sinnvoller den Kindern Empathie, humanistische Ethik und logisches Denken bei zu bringen (Boolsche logik + Venn Diagramme + logische Schlüsse), damit sie (vielleicht) keine menschenfeindlichen Parteien wählen. Und das alles zusammen würde weniger Zeit brauchen als Spanisch.
Good question. Where to put them, when the camps are full? How much money is it going to cost to imprison millions for life? Is there a more efficient solution?
Your brain right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA_uJOnAnoQ&t=1456s