It doesn't cross that line, I think it well within free speech, its just that normal christian moralism bullshit.
I guess its all the debloating
This ia good, natural monopolies should be run by local goverments or the goverment.
There would actualy be no benefit of torturing him in secret, it doesnt act as a derrent for others in any way.
but what if someone forgets the password, or some PC components get broken, but they still want their data put of there?
That is why backup of your data is a necessity regardless of encryption or not.
Lbry put out a message today saying they are done after losing a legal battle with the SEC
Are you not able to open the article and read it?
How? According to GDRP phone numbers is considered personal information, they dont have any right to use it to combat spam if the person asked for erasure.
No way a house 30kW at any point
they can't think long term
Well they can, but only in one way: Grow by selling at a loss to outcompete other and then make a profit.
The problem I have is paying for a service that harvest my data to make money, I wouldnt mind paying if they keept all that shit in the free version, so now instead I will focus my energy on circumventing the anti-adblocker
Its a US based company so its almost certain that your data gets sold as privacy is just a suggestion in the US.