From the way they said the prop was in "most of the scenes", I thought they were saying the prop was the norm, not the exception.
The word "mainstream" is used as opposed to oddly specific obstacles. A dialect, like, say, Mandarin is just a fact of life, as opposed to, say, encountering someone who wants you to adapt what you say into Klingon.
"Six letters" is chosen because it matches average nickname length and is a good starter point for compatibility. Letters from most alphabets can be swapped with letters into other alphabets, so that is no issue. As for logographic ones, most Mandarin characters do equal a phrase that would equal six letters.
If the apology was to Ada, and the wrongdoing concerned Ada, the person with the final say over whether the apology is valid is Ada. It is not anyone else's place to disapprove or pile up criticism against it.
I've never heard that before, but I do know that protestors aren't very creative, which might be why they fail as much as they do.
Same here.
Rule 1: The way of referring to oneself should be translatable between mainstream languages. You can't blame people of other dialects for botching certain words or having no equivalent word. Something there must be accommodated for.
Rule 2: It should be six letters or shorter. It would be misusage if problems were caused because it was longer, such as creating too much bureaucratic stress.
Rule 3: No shock value is involved. I can't imagine people referring to you as a slur based on your instruction and being indifferent to it.
Inconsistent with their gender/pronouns or inconsistent with who they are?
To be honest, when I first met them, my first impression was they might be otherkin, though I didn't have those exact words to say.
Coincidences do happen. I got semi-banned from a place once, and a few months afterward, someone joined with a name that was near-identical. It was a real Guy Incognito moment.
They gave me permission to use they/them.
How would anyone know it's them?
They and I had a talk about that. I asked what their neo-pronouns would be if they followed the three basic courtesy rules, and they responded saying I could stick to they/them. They and anyone else are free to correct me if I relapse into he/him.
Yeah, but I mean it's up to Ada whether it suffices. It's damage done towards her that Drag is trying to counterweight.