It's the first I hear that there was even a riot in the UK. I was specifically interested in finding out musks involvement. Since the article was drawing the comparison, it's on them to actually explain what they are comparing properly. And yes, randomly finding an article is it perfectly valid way of trying to catch yourself up on a news story. If the author can't be bothered to post summary, they should at least hyperlink to something that does.
Any article that draws a comparison like that should explain both ends of the comparison. I'm not from the uk, and while I do try to follow UK politics somewhat, there are some things that slip under my radar, like apparently a riot that Elon musk was involved with.
This article is slop. I read it to try to find out what was going on in the UK, and how musk was involved and there were less than two sentences about the event being covered. All the rest was about the US and how we are about to imminently fall. If you're going to make a headline like that at least explain to readers what happened. You can't assume that the entirety of your audience already knows.
You are being willfully obtuse. Atheists didn't choose the definition of the word. Magic is a catch all for things that are not explained by a scientific process. Computing is not one of those things. You don't understand computers because they are a black box. Therefore it is tempting to call the result magic. But you had better sure as hell hope that the effect of computers are reproducible, every single time, because if they are not, the world as we know it ceases to function.
No they aren't. Not all protests are good. It is essential that political disagreements don't capsize the society we live in. Any protests that can't be ignored is essentially mob rule
You might look into prototype projects like cactus. It is for things like blog comments, but there might be adaptations
I thought the whole point of starlink was that it provided cheap and dirty infrastructure basically anywhere. What's the point if they're going to individually license areas??
I don't think a generic building that is suitable for all purposes is possible though. Inevitably the needs of a housing unit and an office are fundamentally different, going all he way down to the plumbing. It wouldn't make sense to build an office building with enough plumbing to easily become an apartment, or vice versa, because taking a down-the-middle approach could just as easily lead to a building that serves no useful purpose at all. It's not "just" about the money. He goes into the plumbing issue in particular in great depth. I highly recommend watching the whole video
I say this as somebody who cannot drive. And I say it with all the love in the world for public transit. Public transit absolutely cannot get you everywhere, at least not if you expect to be there in a timely manner. The vast majority of America is suburbanized, the worst possible environment for buses.
Yeah, but they still have to have enough resources to build a landing pad to get back. I only just recently attained the research necessary to build these, and I realized I don't have any biofuel! So now I have to distill that too.
There's a big difference between identifying yourself to a neutral ISP versus identifying yourself to the government. In general, I'm not that skeptical of government, but this is one issue where I worry about the right wing loonies getting their way. God help us if it's ever criminalized
To be fair, I think it's really more specifically an indictment of his management skills. I doubt he said everything up himself, but a good manager knows how to attract actual experts, not just college flunkies