
joined 3 years ago
[–] 5 points 2 months ago
  1. Har ingen riktig åsikt om det. Men kan väl tycka att den kan finnas kvar för de som vill göra den. Men att det inte ska vara något obligatorisk.

  2. Har inte gjort värnplikten, fick frisedel när jag fyllde 18 pga kronisk sjukdom. Då blev jag besviken över att inte få göra värnplikten men nu känns det bara skönt att jag inte behövde göra den.

  3. Eftersom alla över 18 är en del av totalförsvaret kommer man bli tilldelad uppgifter att utföra vid krig eller annan katastrof. För mig är det en självklarhet att var och en ska hjälpa till i den mån de kan.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Yes both launchers can use proton-ge as a wrapper similar to what steam dose.

As for recommendation, pick what you like. Both programs fill the same function and are both FOSS. Heroic has a nicer interface, Lutris has an option to show logs while you are running a game that can help with debugging if the game doesn't work for some reason.

[–] 41 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Not at all, I have been running Linux for years now without any issues. Lutris and Heroic Launcher covers all my pirated gaming needs.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Looks delicious!

[–] 38 points 5 months ago (1 children)
[–] 2 points 9 months ago (1 children)

I have a ps4 on 9.0. Really easy to jailbreak. Modded Warfare on YouTube has really good vidoe on how to do it.

[–] 10 points 9 months ago

Surprise surprise, it's a church. Riddarholmen Church built in the 13th century.

[–] 24 points 9 months ago

Reminds me of a semla(a Swedish pastry, and a big deal) competition Arla(cow rapists) had here in Sweden a couple of years ago.

The rules where you could use products of any brand and not just Arla, and the winner would be decided by popular vote. Rather quickly a vegan pastry shop got first place by a really high margin to second place. And just like that they got disqualified because the rules changed so now you had to use Arlas products..

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Thanks, it didn't work for me neither now for some reason. I have made an edit to the link without the /en/.

[–] 28 points 10 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (5 children)

The arr suite is what you are looking for.

Check out this wiki.

Edit: edited the link.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

Jag skulle inte gå så långt att säga att ungdomsgårdar är svaret, men att det absolut är en del av svaret tror jag på. Ungdomar behöver tillgång till sociala och fysiska aktiviteter som inte ska behöva kosta deras vårdnadshavare en massa pengar. De behöver kunna prata med andra ungdomar men viktigare tror jag är att ha andra vuxna i sin närhet som de har tillit till. Ungdomsgårdar är ett forum för att skapa sånna kontakter på.


Hello fellow fermenters, a year ago I started to make miso, I planned to let it ferment for a year so today I went to check on it. However I noticed something that I think looks like mold. But I would like a second opinion before I toss it in the trash. The miso has been fermenting in a glas jar with an airlock, that I forgot about and didn't refill with water. On top of the miso I also placed a plastic bag filled with salt.


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