A direct consequence of Trump's rolling back Biden policies?
Annoyingly long post totally misses the point of using tmux and chalks it up to "elitism". So who's really acting like an elitist contrarian??
Do you not SSH onto your desktop? I do it all the time. I often want to switch from coding at my desk to coding on a laptop, and tmux + SSH makes that transition completely seamless.
In their minds what qualifies as a "real job" is one that makes the most money.
SQLite was literally invented within the US military.
This song is everywhere if you look. I heard it in Shutter Island first.
If you go this route I recommend installing Kodi + Jellyfin Plugin + Kore Android App. You can control everything from your phone or laptop.
Delta is passable. They're overpriced, and you're trading leg room for a stupid headrest TV with an unnecessarily tiny headphone jack. But other than that, it's a decent flying experience.
I'd fly Alaska instead. Not sure how they treat employees though.
Copium. We're well beyond the days when anything under 60 FPS is not cheap and lazy craftsmanship.
Schedule it in the morning then.
We just keeping making it harder to be a teacher without paying them any more.
How can we organize funding for a national teachers' strike?
I like this joke format of answering a question with seemingly irrelevant facts that still answer the question. Hit me with some more.