this post was submitted on 05 Jul 2023
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There are several dupe glitches. I'm always running the latest version of the game and yesterday I gave myself 999,999 rupees using this glitch. It took me 5min since I already had a bit over a hundred diamonds on me thanks to this dupe glitch.
I play Zelda to explore and kick ass, not to worry about running out of money.
What!? How? How do people find these glitches!? I’ll be damned.
Having gotten into watching "speedrun explanation" videos, I am fairly sure that people find these glitches so easily because they are simply testing old glitches from other games that work based on knowledge of the game engine/general game coding errors that are common everywhere. Like finding ways to clip through walls is similar in most games, so they might be found super fast in a brand new game.