Just open your mouth and throat wide, and pour the coffee in so it never touches your teeth.
Or take it the same way I do: Rectally.
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Just open your mouth and throat wide, and pour the coffee in so it never touches your teeth.
Or take it the same way I do: Rectally.
I get my rectal absorbtion when the coffee is making its way out...usually only about 15 minutes after the oral imbibation.
i feel like so many people the world over need to just fucking buy caffeine pills: cheaper per unit of caffeine, doesn't taste like shit (so many people don't make good coffee anyways), and way more convenient.
Also might overdose.
"might" implies it's a lot more likely to happen than it is, it takes like 10 pills of 100mg each to get the classic caffeine dependency with headaches and stuff, and to reach genuinely serious effects you would have to chug the entire bottle (assuming it's a 50-pill bottle).
A fellow Student of mine had some symptoms from drinking high coffein black tea and then using some coffein tablet. (Everything Was well afterward, but high jitteryness, Lack of focus and high heat rate aren't good)
What's wrong with stained teeth? That's just tooth colour. Teeth shouldn't be white - it looks weird!
Kinda true, completely white teeth is not natural.
Something something same with cum.
If you dump your shit in one rending, cacophonous blast of poopa then you can avoid staining your starfish
Just use a bidet
I knew there would be a bidet comment. I knew
Abandon coffee, embrace tea 🙇🙇
I make my own iced coffee so I can chug it quickly.
Funnily enough, a dentist did tell me something like this once, but for soda.
Apparently it's better to chug it than sip it because the acid in the soda doesn't touch your teeth for as long.
Glad I'm not the only one who was held hostage to this weird conversation. I don't even drink coffee.
Or just use a straw
u can also drink through straw
Yes officer’s, this post right there.
Tried it, doesn't work, teeth still get stained and I just but the shit out of my mouth.
maybe you need a longer straw
Or shorter teeth
Was this taken from the start of a gay porn video. cause the tension is real
I listened to my dentist's advice to stop adding milk and sugar in my coffee. I now appreciate the taste of coffee much more, felt like reducing added sugar overall, and best of all I can be a coffee snob now. Win-win.
Oh I thought the milk made it healthier. Although I do prefer it without
Milk isn't any healthier than any other drink. It's calcium content was considered it's primary benefit until a long term study was done that found we don't actually absorb calcium from milk that efficiently (like, 30-ish%). Calcium absorption in plants is much better, which makes sense since humans have been eating beans, nuts, and leafy greens far longer than dairy milk. We're built better for that. I'm sure populations have adapted more, somewhat, but there are still many places where the lactose intolerance is the norm and they're not all collapsing from brittle bones. The fat in milk is probably the healthiest part. You'd have to check the particular plant, but it even seems like plant-based milks might be better for all the health benefits than dairy. In general, low to moderate coffee consumption provides more health benefits than milk. You mostly just have to worry about caffeine levels.
I meant "healthier" like it somehow makes the coffee less acidic? It feels like that's what it's doing. Anyway, I hadn't really thought of it, but I meant oat milk above. I haven't had cow milk in years now. I kind of assumed everyone was going that way, but I have no evidence to back that up
Lactose is a sugar and can cause cavities. What is overall healthier is debatable. Milk, I suppose, would lower the acidity.
Maybe stop drinking coffee?