24 y/o with a teaching job.
No real income is what she has. Probably on top of a shitton student debt.
People tweeting stuff. We allow tweets from anyone.
24 y/o with a teaching job.
No real income is what she has. Probably on top of a shitton student debt.
Don't forget how much money she spends on classroom supplies for her "not real kids"!
Apparently she doesn't have a good parent either.
"no real bills" I'd believe...if the parent said she lived at home (no rent, and food provided), was on parents' insurance (health, auto, etc.), had no student debt, and was walking distance to work.
But given that her parent didn't, I'd guess that isn't the case. Turns out rent, food, transportation, and like you said, student debt, are all...what's the word...real bills?
This pervasive selfishness in older generations sickens and astounds me.
Imagine not wanting to give your kids everything.
I would forego food if I had to in order to help my kids see better.
I would forego food to make sure my kids had glasses or contacts, sure.
I would not forego food so they could have elective surgery.
Pay once or pay multiple times a year? LASIK pays for itself, you’ll always be buying glasses and contacts.
LASIK isn't some great cure. It has potential side effects and you can end up seeing worse than you did before.
I know I’m just one person, but it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I was almost legally blind without glasses/contacts, and just the stress of making sure my glasses prescription was up to date once I switched to contacts, making sure I packed glasses, contacts, extra contacts, solution, etc, for a trip, and losing 1 contact while at the store or something was instantly erased.
I could read the street signs on the highway on the way home from the surgery. I hadn’t been able to do that unaided since I was probably 10.
Do I need readers now that I’m older? Yep, just like they told me I would because everyone does because it’s a different issue that comes with aging. I wish they had a similar treatment for Presbyopia!!!
Sure, everyone’s experience is different, but it almost was akin to a miracle for me. Life changing for sure.
"no real kids"
"no real bills"
the fact that he added "real" to both means she has them but he somehow doesn't consider them real, whatever the fuck that means. but this sounds like a total piece of shit and i feel sorry for the 24 year old.
nothing like ruining the economy and the future for the next generation and then refusing to help.
what does "no real kids" and "no real bills" mean?
Pets and "only" bills related to the daughter and her everyday life.
And I'd bet "real bills" are only bills that the parent deems worthy
mortgage, car payment, etc. I'm guessing teacher pays rent, utilities, pays for groceries...
She's a teacher, so she has kids that aren't hers, and probably pays her phone bill and auto loan and student debt (and possibly rent to her shitty parents). Those parents of course don't consider those real bills.
It's worse when you consider that "real bills", ie a mortgage, is probably out of her reach while he had it easy.
He's mocking his own daughter, when she probably got absolutely fucked by corruption and the economy, for not having the opportunity to indebt herself for housing, when he probably bought his house on a potato salary.
The fuck does no real bills mean? Does eating, rent and gas/insurance not count as real bill?
Forget the bills, why does she clarify no real kids?
Pets, or the more grotesque option, step-children.
More importantly what does no real kids mean?
Step kids? Only daughters? Just pets?
She only has fake kids and fake bills
I bet it was because she is not married and has kids. The conservative mind ladies and gentleman and in betweens.
It's her students
I wonder if this lady will ever realize the politicians she votes for (come on, we know which party) are why her daughter with one of the most importsnt jobs in the entire world can't afford to see. Probably not.
Dammit Mom, my 56 imaginary kids cost me nearly my ENTIRE paycheck! Have some sympathy.
But for real, what is "real kids?"
because she’s a teacher she probably pays out of pocket for school/project supplies. i’ve known a good few teachers, and refereeing to students as sort-of surrogate children is very common. i’d put my money on the mom hassling the daughter about not yet having kids, and the daughter saying something like “i already have kids!” and this idiot is still bitter about it because she feels she is OWED grandchildren.
i’m making a LOT of assumptions here, but like i said i WOULD put money on it. you hear enough firsthand stories and you start making these sort of assumptions.
Sounds like she’s bitter that she hasn’t been given the grandchildren she thinks she is owed.
Why does she say no real kids? Did she adopt or something and the mom is crazy?
Probably has a pet or two and doesn't want any "real" kids so they don't end up acting like their parents...
Dude this is like every post on the estranged parents sub on reddit... they really are oblivious to the fact that their kids have good reasons to hate them
"No one has audacity like the people you raised" proceeds to post about it to potentially millions of people, you know like people without audacity do.
It wouldn’t occur to me to broadcast this to others on the internet, especially with personal details, even for a random solicitor, let alone a family member, let alone my own child.
And since the kid didn’t anticipate the public ridicule, it may very well be the first time they ever asked for this kind of help. What an awful way to learn your parent considers you little more than an expendable prop in their social life.
In nature, some species prey upon their young. We usually understand this as an evolutionary mechanism, to ensure only the strongest offspring survive. With that in mind, if your parent behaves like this, consider that they may no longer be your caregiver, and it may be time for you to decide what it takes to be the offspring that survives.
Remember when our parents told us social media is bad? Here it is, they are exactly why.
Someone tell them "i think i raised an entitled shit" isn't the pwn they think it is
The biggest child in the room is that pain in the ass of a parent.
Wouldn’t it have been nice to get Bernie’s medicare for all, with vision and dental coverage, so people fresh out of college with their likely first real job don’t need to ask their shitty ass parents for help?
My daughter that is under-paid because she's a teacher and they are all under-paid is asking me for financial help, and I'm a scumbag outing her for trying to have a better quality of life with a medical procedure early in her working career.
Man, I hate the internet sometimes...
Why would people want to be on Twitter for posts like this?
It's like joining a real life club where the more of a jerk you are, the more speaking time you get.
This is bad form all around... like, yeah, be a parent and love your kids more than yourself.
Even if you are incapable of that, at least be smart enough to not be shitty to the people who will pick your nursing home.
Sad b/c teachers really don't get rewarded monetarily enough, and OOP is acting like that's some kinda lucrative career that would provide enough even for that.
Am I the only one who lives with their parent and helps paying bills? I am asking, because some people seem to be surprised that my father forces me to pay for the living in his house, but the truth is I don't mind that, and I'd rather not be a freeloader.
If your parents want you to pay rent, while at the same time complaining that you still live with them(which is often the situation), they can charitably be called dumbfucks.