Array operations in FORTRAN are much easier for the compiler heavily optimize than it is in c/c++ due to its array model and type system. You can achieve much of the same thing with modern compiler extensions, but it’s difficult and not as portable.
"Subtle" thirst trap. Trying to get people to click on the profile which will have a link to whatever spam they're peddling.
I moved from IC to full time management this year and I’m struggling with this. I don’t control the money, the most I can do is give a glowing review and argue for my team members to get raises but the budget is not in my hands. I do have a small “team building” budget that I can spend on food and drinks so I take them out for a nice meal as often as I can. What else am I supposed to do?
Thanks for the explanation! It makes a lot of sense.
How do you find having the navigation buttons in the middle? It seems like it would be a bit harder to hit them?
Not everyone is used to pressing back and forwards on there browser
Because your browser has one. Why would you need a second?
Why not both?
Good for you. I've been getting rid of a lot of brainrot fodder myself and feel a lot better for it. Also setting up time limits for apps on my phone and a bedtime lockout helps.
There's a major subtlety here that a top line fertility rate measurement is missing. Fertility (births/1000 people) has risen dramatically among Americans in their 30's and 40's! But it has dropped for people in their 20s and collapsed for teenagers. In the 90's teenagers were having babies at the same rate as people in their early 30's (!!), and now they aren't. People in their early 20's are having fewer because of easy and cheap birth control, education and attempts to establish careers. You don't need a big conspiracy to explain that.
You’re going to get a lot of advise about what makes life worth living, but it sounds like you have low level depression. Talking to a therapist and looking at an antidepressant are your first steps, along with the other things that can help with low level depression.