Ça me rappelle la solution de test d'hameçonnage utilisé par mon précédent employeur qui envoyait des mails depuis des adresses qui se terminaient en @noreply.link
: j'ai juste eu à créer un filtre Gmail pour tous les envoyer dans la corbeille !
Oh, this is not only a monetary partnership, Williams will use Atlassian products as well in their day-to-day operations. Probably for the better after the Excel debacle
If I understand correctly, they will adjust Switch 2's production capacity based on feedback from April's Nintendo Direct and hands-on events. So I guess given the lead times required to produce consoles we should expect a release in June?
Je fais toujours attention mais je vais faire en plus attention suite à ton conseil !
Ce week-end j'ai prévu d'aller voir le défilé du Nouvel An Chinois dans le 13e arrondissement de Paris.
Sinon, Ies classiques ménage et courses de la semaine, et si j'ai le temps, travailler sur les photos de mes dernières vacances.
From what I gathered from the comments, system services cannot access the home directory by design: user services should be used instead.
But since it is nearly impossible to execute a user service on shutdown, I changed my approach and went for a user service and a timer that initiates a backup every 15 minutes. Since the backups are incremental, it shouldn't take too much time nor space.
I could, but I need the script to access my home in order to do the backup, and from what I gathered from Leaflet system services can't access it.
is your home folder actually under /var/home/… not under /home/… ?
Yep, it's how Silverblue is set up
$ ls -l /home
lrwxrwxrwx. 4 root root 8 28 janv. 13:51 /home -> var/home/
does the scripr run correctly when you paste the full path in the comandline?
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 26 28 Jan. 13:03 /var
drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 228 3 Feb. 09:55 /var/home
drwx------. 1 blackeco blackeco 1544 5 Feb. 17:52 /var/home/blackeco
drwxr-xr-x. 1 blackeco blackeco 116 3 Feb. 13:07 /var/home/blackeco/scripts
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 blackeco blackeco 794 4 Feb. 15:44 /var/home/blackeco/scripts/backup.sh*
And yes, blackeco
can reach it
No, I really don't want to hijack the UI for this, as it could break with a DE update. And that wouldn't work when shutting down from the console.
Oh bon sang, cette madeleine de Proust ! J'avais la même mais avec un boîtier bleu.
Je réalise que les Flik Flak étaient déjà genrées à cette époque :(