These. They look soft.
You’re eating your Tardios watching cartons and the cat runs in and spills them on the carpet. You’re never getting them out.
I mean, right now our treasury is being looted so why not pay this guy too?
I’m sure he’ll sign some deal with Nestle.
I noticed. I intentionally checked. And when I saw there were no white people I chuckled to myself because I know this would make piss the racists the fuck off.
Just purchased one. It’s perfect for my IBS girlfriend.
Considering the large font, I believe this is guinea pig for “yes”.
Is it traumatizing when there is a naked Irelephant in the room?
It is way less busy (in the background) w/o the samples. The tune you hear in your head when you think about this song is still there.
I did it at 198. Need one more!
You are obviously antihankite! This behavior will not be tollerated.