Beans for everyone!
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Beans for everyone!
It's over 200 now :(((
I think this impossible with federation. It looks like it's still under for me.
It's impossible without federation too. Reddit still estimates what the number currently is based on the last known number and the rate of change. It still takes time to propagate around the world, so it isn't accurate. Federation just makes this time even longer, although with fewer users it may be more accurate still.
We're working to rectify the problem.
Aaaaaaand we're back!
We messed up
Alright, everyone deposit all your beans until we're back on track
Tfw you have to down vote a post you support x.x hopefully it stabilizes lol
Doesn't work on blahaj.zone. Our instance bounces downvotes.
isn't the number of votes dependent on which instances each of our instances are federated to?
what i thought the upvote number was given by whichever instance it was posted on
The people who downvoted this are wicked
I'd downvote this if I saw it at 197.
mildly infuriating, it’s at 197 upvotes and my instance has downvotes disabled
Depending on settings downvotes are counted separately.
The only way to fix this if upvoters now unvote.
I did it at 198. Need one more!
I got this for you, I hope you like it
They're either people who think downvoting will show less of this or people viewing the counter mixed.
I'm doing my part 🫡
I'm doing my part... As well! 🫡
I remain neutral.
Why do you have ads? There are many apps for browsing Lemmy that are free and have no ads.
We're back babyyy
This feels so wrong, can 15 other people downvote so I don't feel bad 🥹
This is a balancing act we are struggling at
the number of upvotes right now viewed from blahaj is exactly 196+2^8 :3
"Don't tell me what to do"
We're there! Nobody move!
Dammit, one of you moved.
blahaj has downvotes disabled, it's over 650 here
Lol i keep down then upvoting and this mofo is hard to pin down
Foreal dude. One more down to go atm
Feels bad, but doing my part
I want to help so badly but after reading the comments, I have no idea how
don't worry it's not that deep
Glad I could help
I undid my vote so it’s 197 now
I did my part!
Edit: upvoted to 196 then down once it hit 197.
I can't vote so I'm commenting instead
I'm gonna need you to give me a personal thank you for this. Much appreciated : )
You got it, Champ.
Got you: