
joined 9 months ago
[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 2 points 9 hours ago

Right before she insults you for dressing like a poor person.

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 16 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

If there's any young people reading this, I want you to take notice of what just happened here. Perception becomes reality....except it's not reality.

People thought this guy was just SO popular, that he was too busy for them. Which means in reality, he wasn't popular AT ALL. Nobody wanted to be his friend, because everybody assumed he was too important to be their friend. The only people who were his friends are the ones who tried.

This works with dating too. There's women of all ranges of looks. Some women are just born so naturally beautiful that they become intimidated to even TRY to talk to her. Everybody thinks she's out of their league, and that's total bullshit. If a person think they're out of your league because of looks, they're right. They're totally below you. BUT there's also people who OTHER people assume she's out of their league, and all she's doing is waiting to be asked out. Nobodys asking her out, because everybody thinks she's going to turn them down, and what ends up happening is you can get some real Homer and Marge situations.

Because let's be real. Marge could do SO MUCH better than Homer. I realize that because of the way animation works, they've had to retell the way Homer and Marge met and retcon the previous versions. But no matter which version you pick, Homer as always been an overweight buffoon with no real qualities to endeeer himself to Marge. But he TRIED. Sometimes that's enough. You just go up to whomever you have a crush on, and just, go for it.

And maybe they will turn you down. I'm not implying that every time you flirt with someone it will go well just because you tried. There's a whole list of variables to take into account that you can't possibly know before you try. The end result will be maybe she's just not that into you. Or maybe she is. You don't know until you try. I know so many people who "got the girl", whom everyone is baffled by, simply because they were the only one who asked.

So just come up with a funny little pickup line. Something cheesy. Cheesy is good. The pickup line isn't what's going to win her over. You're what's going to win her over. The pickup line just measures her level of interest. If she's giggling at your little pickup line, it's not because the cheesy pickup line was that good. It's because YOU are that good to her. The pickup line is just a measuring stick of her interest. So don't worry about the perfect pickup line. Just a funny cheesy one. Preferably one she's never heard before.

One thing I will say, is that it has to be "girl funny". To me, the funniest pickup line ever is telling her in a totally straight deadpan voice, "My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in...."

To me, that's hilarious. That SHOULD be a great pickup line. It's not. Don't use that one. You'll get gross looks, as if you actually are holding back from shitting yourself. So maybe don't include feces in your pickup lines.

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 5 points 16 hours ago (2 children)

Man, I wish. I used to drink Whiskey and beer all the time. Then my colon said "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!!". Now the doctors tell me to not do that anymore.

You want some beer? No, you'll get cancer.

Want some cheeseburgers? No, you'll get cancer.

Want some potato chips? No, you'll get cancer.

Want to drive a Tesla? No, I'm not a nazi. Plus they're ugly as hell.

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 2 points 16 hours ago

I just want to steal products off of Pierre's shelves. He's a smug little shit. Just like George Clooney, the smug bastard!

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 0 points 16 hours ago

I'm not sure you can't date Robin just because of her relationship. There HAS to be another reason! I mean, Clint is DESPERATELY single, yet you can't date him. Willy is maybe the creepiest first impression I've ever had with a character in any game. I REALLY thought he was trying to rape me. "Come down by the docks alone when it's all dark out. Ol' Willy's got something for ya!" STRANGER DANGER!!! BAD TOUCH! BAD TOUCH! But, still....you can't date him either.

Now WE all know that the Mayor and Marnie are fuckin', but the town doesn't. What's preventing someone from trying to date Marnie? The excuse with the Mayor is that he's the Mayor, and thus shouldn't date residents. Which I always found bullshit. You're a mayor, not a monk. Go get your rocks off and enjoy yourself, ya boxer losing weirdo!

And what about the bartender Gus? As far as I can tell he's single.

And Pam is.......a wildebeast. She will eat raw bark off a tree if it contains alcoholic sugars. I shutter to think of the man that actually impregnated her. Somewhere, out there in the world, SOMEBODY impregnated Pam. Presumably consentually. Someone made the conscious decision that "Yes, I am going to get with that." Linus digs through the trash, and even he wouldn't touch Pam.

And of coarse, nobody dates Pierre because he's a fuckface. Fuck you Pierre! Taking credit for my god damn blueberry wine, and selling at a huge markup. You'd have ZERO quality goods if I didn't sell to you. That's why I STOPPED selling to you. I put my shit in a box, and some system that I don't quite understand gives me money. I think it's Willy. He pulled my unconscious body into bed when I came home late.

............guys, are we SURE Willy isn't a rapist?

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 1 points 17 hours ago

Why does EVERYONE want to fix Shane, when George is already a menace on wheels? Just don't mess with Evelyn. They have an open marriage, and they based the Fast and the Furious movies on George. You mess with Evelyn, and he's speeding down the valley hunting your ass. Because you messed with his.....family.....

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 2 points 17 hours ago (2 children)

Haley would misunderstand, and think a Lemmy is something you order at starbucks......which I guess in this game would be Jojo Coffee?

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 1 points 17 hours ago

Quick suggestion.....why make this same topic every week, pin it, only to 7 days later create a NEW post that's the same topic? Why not just keep ONE of this topic pinned, and just never unpin it? I come to this community today to see some good ol fashioned stardew valley talk....but 4 out of the top 6 topics are just duplicate topics of this topic from weeks gone by.

Really clutters up the place.

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 6 points 17 hours ago (4 children)

Middle aged white women LOVE to claim they love wine. I even sometimes see them buying decorative signs to hang in their house that say "Live Laugh Wine".

And yet......blank looks anytime I ask what distro they're on.

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 265 points 20 hours ago (14 children)

Ya know......as much as I hated Bush in his day, he was never a nazi. I called him a LOT of things over the years.....but I never remember calling him a nazi.

How the fuck are we living in a timeline where a president who used a terrorist attack as justification for invading countries that never had anything to do with it, is now looked at as "he wasn't so bad...."

[–] Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world 11 points 20 hours ago

Their arguments tend to come down to “just don’t write bad code”.

Oooooh, that's a good stratagy! Write that down! Write that down!


So I noticed something a while ago, and I'm just now getting around to fixing it.

I notice that if I click the middle mouse button on windows, a scroll icon comes up. If you then drag your mouse down slightly, the page scrolls slowly. If you drag your mouse down a LOT, the page scrolls a lot. Then you can left click anywhere to turn off the scroll mode.

Except in ZorinOS, I don't get that. I click the middle scroll button, and......nothin. What do I have to do to get scroll mode?



You're talking to someone, and you mention the treaty of versailles. They say "the what?" and you say "The treaty of versailles. You know, when Germany lost WWI and had to give up land and other military functions?"

and your friend just stares at you and says "......what?". So you say "Just google it."

Well your friend is an idiot. You should have seen that coming from the fact that they don't know basic history. Be that as it may, you're trusting your friend to use the most powerful search engine on earth to find things he doesn't know what he's looking for. So he searches "Treaty of her thighs"

Which for some reason returns THIS RESULT. No really, I was hoping it would return some porn result, and I could have made fun of that. But no, top result is an Ohio war. Which may be because I'M located in Cleveland, so google is like "You're searching for dumb shit, here have an Ohio war instead". But I can work with this to help prove my point.

So you told him to just google treaty of versailles, and he comes back talking about a war between native americans and white people in ohio in the 1790s. You see how wrong that went?

When you tell someone to "just google it", you're entrusting that the person you're talking to isn't a massive dumbass. That's a pretty tall stretch these days. I find most people are completely intolerable. We have all these PSA's that people need to tolerate other people for being different. Which never made sense to me. I don't give a shit that you're a different background than I am. I'm judging you for walking into an autozone and throwing bricks because they're out of blinker fluid.

My grandma taught me growing up "If you need to raise your voice to be heard, then nobody wants to hear what you have to say. If that's the case, you should reflect on why that is. Is it because you're wrong about everything you say, and people have figured that out? Maybe try NOT being wrong about everything you say."

And that's when I watched the family interactions as a kid a little more closely. My dad would yell over everyone, and growl and piss and moan and do everything he could to be louder than his sisters, while his mom is shaking her head. Meanwhile, if my grandma tapped her glass indicating that she was to speak, EVERYBODY shut the fuck up, and the room quieted to dead silence. She spoke at a normal tone, and everyone listened to every word. My dad, who has no self reflection, no ability to judge people or situations, or reality, just yells until he gets his way.....which even after he gets his way, still doesn't work out in the end because it was the wrong approach to start with.

So to trust someone like my dad to just google things for himself, instead of just googling it for him, and showing him the CORRECT results, is something that would lead to him being 1 bit smarter than otherwise would. Over time, enough of these bits would mean he's smart enough to start thinking on his own. THEN he can google on his own.

But right now, you're asking a nation who just elected trump by popular vote to think for themselves. And I'm at a point where I think that's just a bad idea. I think the collective average of society equates to a man who puts hammers in a box, and puts that box in the garage, high up on a beam, barely supported, directly over the space the car would pull in. Then when you get out of the car, and close the door, the air movement is enough to make the box wobble. The wobble is enough to make it fall. And it falls right on your head. Because you put it there. And you can't figure out why that happened.

That's what I think of society. That's where I think we're at, mentally. Partially because I've seen this exact scenario play out. And partially because I see these people in public, all day, you know the ones. The people who you wonder how they are able to walk properly without their brain short circuiting, and they fall more often. The people who breathe through their mouth. These are the average day to day people who are (somehow) living their life on their own.

And you want them to think for themselves, to make decisions which affect everybody else..........god dammit. Why did we give Americans the right to vote??? They shouldn't even be googling things by themself!


You kids just don't know what it's like! When I was 19, it was 2002, and do you know who we had as a president? We had an idiot that couldn't socially function, but the republicans made excuses for him daily. You don't know what that's like.

When I was 19 we had a president that thought he deserved to be president just because of his last name. You don't know what that's like.

When I was 19, we had an overly polarized society where nobody could agree on anything! It was almost like the media was pushing a divide among people. You don't know what that's like.

When I was 19, the republicans in texas were trying to reshape our lexicons by calling it "freedom fries" when everybody knew that was just a thinly veiled attempt at pushing racism through by removing the name of a foreign country from a well established term. You don't know what it's like.

When I was 19, we had a president that racist people loved, but everyone else could easily tell he was racist. You don't know what it's like.

When I was 19, there was an unwarrented mass hysteria that we were going to be entering WWIII soon, even though no nation wanted that. You'd turn on the news every night and see stories of war overseas, and think something bigger was about to erupt. You don't know what that's like.

When I was 19, we had a president that made up his own phrases, such as fool me once, shame on....shame on you. Fool me twice....can't get fooled again! He would just make up his own phrases and words to suit his own political image, and never admit he made a mistake. Well then the other republicans would DEFEND his misuse of language and covfefe him! You don't know what that's like.

When I was 19, everybody complained about everything being made in china, but nobody actually did anything to STOP that from being the case. They'd just blame china as an easy political fall guy who they didn't need to worry about consequences of. You don't know what that's like.

When I was 19, gas prices were a real problem! They often got as high as $1.10 per gallon! Outrageous! You don't know what that's like!

When I was 19, you just COULDN'T afford food. You'd get a job at a fast food job just to take home the extra food or whatever. Living off of ramen noodles, and rice. And hey, if it's 3 hours until close, and the boss says to put 6 potatoes in the oven.....and you put 8? oopsie poopsie! That's how you had to eat during a time when the politcal regime didn't care about it's people! You don't know what that's like!

When I was 19, healthcare was absurdly expensive! It often felt like the rich were just profiting off of peoples suffering. You don't know what that's like.

When I was 19, the police were corrupt, and not held to any amount of accountability. They'd get away with whatever they wanted, and would often beat people, or kill them without reason. You don't know what that's like!

.......kids today man, I tell ya! It's a different world out there now!


Woman: You see her? You think she's pretty?

Guy: Hmmm?

"Do you think she's pretty?"

"I guess.....why?"

"So, you think she's prettier than me?"

"Do I think she's prettier than you......hmmmmm, let me see your butt."


"I gotta compare butts."

"You have to compare butts.....to know if she's prettier than me?"

"Well, yeah. How would you YOU judge it?"

"Self depricatingly! Obviously!"

"That's because you can't see your own butt."


"It's behind you. It's a great butt, but you never see it."

"What's so special about my butt?"

"Here, bend over a second. Let me show you something."


"You feel this? This is a nice thick curve. It's got some juicyness to it, and right here---no no, don't straighten up. Stay like this. A man is explaining your own worth to you now."

"A man...."

"Yes, that's right. Don't worry, you don't need to be observant, which means to notice things. You're pretty. That means you don't need to think, or even notice how pretty you are. You'll still be treated nice."


"Shhhhhhhh, don't ruin it by talking."

And THAT is how you get women to stop being self conscious about if they're pretty enough, and START a whole new fight about if you think they're smart. Then, you just let them win a few arguements of being smart, which creates confidence within them. And that ends their internal need to prove themselves to you, because now they feel smart AND pretty.

And now you're not fighting. Or maybe you are. I'm single and don't understand life. It sounds like a solid plan though.


I wrote this from the perspective of a kayfabe fan. If you've never heard the term kayfabe, it's an old carny term. It means to go along with the routine. Basically carnys are trying to scam you, and so they all work as a team. If they're in character, maybe one pretends to be an average carnival goer, such as yourself. They pretend to be just part of the crowd. And if they see you're being roped into a scam, they walk over, and rope you in further using the disguise as not being part of the scam to gain your trust. Then encourage you to fall for more scams.

Well in the old days of pro wrestling, it was presented as a legitimate competition. The scam was it's all rigged, and it's predetermined. Who wins and loses is all based on what will scam you out of the most money. Back then nobody realized this pro wrestling was all just a carny work.

And so I'm writing this unpopular opinion examining the character(s) that Mick Foley portrayed from the perspective of someone who's been taken in by kayfabe. But when you think of what's happening here, if you thought it were real, then Mick Foley would have SERIOUS mental health issues. And I'm presenting the stories told through the eyes of a kayfabe fan. Which is unpopular because nobody wants to think of the ramifications for what it would all imply.

So he starts off in the early 1980s, wrestling in small towns in upper state new york. Wrestling in small time wrestling shows organized by the guy who trained him.

He doesn't have the self confidence to be himself, and doesn't want to bring shame to the Foley name. So he uses a temporary name until he feels he's good enough to ditch it. He wrestles a handful of matches, before his trainer gets him an oppertunity to wrestle as enhancement talent in the WWF against The British Bulldogs.

This match was brutal, and even after retiring, he STILL listed this match as one of the hardest times he'd ever been hit in the head. This coming from the guy who's a meme on reddit for having fallen off the hell in a cell in nineteen ninety eight. But we'll get there eventually.

This match with the bulldogs is one of the hardest he'd ever been concussed, and I'm saying it's the first of many pivitol points for his mental state.

As often times it does, this "oppertunity" went nowhere. The WWF just needed two nobodies to lose to their champions without hurting the credability of their other stars. A blink and you'll miss it moment of Cactus Jack being on WWF tv in the 1980s.

So he keeps at the local circuit, eventually making his way to Japan after getting a reputation as being the guy who can do really violent things without it affecting him.

About this time in the early 1990s, WCW had become a nationally televised wrestling product, but a clear distant number 2 to the WWF. However the owner was Ted Turner, who had a grudge against WWF owner Vince McMahon over business deals gone bad in the 80s.

So Turner was trying to crush the WWF through WCW. Which meant WCW was willing to take wild chances. Mick Foley by this point had been punishing his body for almost 10 years on a nightly basis. He caught the attention of WCW, who signed him based on his wild man antics.

Now Mick was in a number 2 company, nationally televised and had a chance to make a name for himself on a national level. Mick knew he didn't stand a chance to compete on star power or good looks against the likes of Sting, and Ric Flair. So he took a different approach. Do things nobody else can do. Be completely different than anyone else in all of professional wrestling. Become can't miss television programing by being like nothing else you can see anywhere else from anyone else. And he did this by becoming car crash tv, with his body being the car crash. He took chairshots, he took dives, he lost teeth, he fell on concrete, he worked with brutes that tore his ear off, he hung himself by his neck and let his body dangle, he put his body through hell with a smile on his face to convince the audience that this guy was nuts! And it worked.

As his wild and violent antics reached new audiences, WCWs ratings rose. But Cactus Jack got hit in the head too many times, and got Lost in Cleveland. Joined a cult of homeless people. It was a whole thing. Then he remembered he was a WCW wrestler, so he came back.

There was one problem. Mick Foley's violent style didn't fit the Turner networks family friendly image. So a few years later, he was let go. Then he went to Japan, won King of the Deathmatch. Got even MORE violent, came back to America, joined ECW, played with fire, Foley's hero Terry Funk got burned, and it made Cactus Jack swear off the hardcore lifestyle. He wrestled the next few months doing headlocks. Lots and lots of headlocks. Long boring safe headlocks. In front of an ECW crowd. The same crowd that cheered when New Jack stabbed a 16 year old legit, who later died of complications of both obesity, and complications of his stabbing. The ECW cheered that level of violence, and here was Cactus Jack intentionally pissing them off with non-violent manuevers.

Then Mick Foley left the public eye for a few months, lost even MORE of his sanity, and changed his name to Mankind. Now he lived in boiler rooms, ripped his own hair out, called out for "Mommy", which was in reference to a fat man who at the time was keeping his own psychopathic son locked in the basement ashamed of his own grotesque burned image for the past 30 years. This fat man was named Paul Bearer, and he had spent the last 30 years mentally gaslighting his stepson for murdering his own parents and half brother, his son, knowing full well that his son was alive and well. I know. I know. Wrestling is awesome.

And now with this emotional and mental manipulator playing the role of his mommy, he kind of just had a full mental breakdown. Completely lost any resemblance to rational thinking.

So he did what any overweight guy missing teeth, missing an ear, body covered in scars, and lacking any sense of rationality would do. He gained confidence, put on some tye-dye, and became a ladies man from the 1960s. Owwww! Have MERCY!

Then he started battling his own multiple personalities. Mankind had evolved to being the slob version of him in sweatpants on a lazy sunday afternoon, who stuffs his pants with his best friend, a sock puppet who he sticks in other peoples mouth, and sucks up to his boss by eating ravioli and fist fighting an alcoholic who shows up to work drunk driving a beer truck splashing beer everywhere.

Like I said, wrestling is awesome.

He also is Cactus Jack. A violent self abuser who inflicts as much destruction on himself as his opponent.

And unlike most people with multiple personalities, they don't come and go over time. He once wrestled one match, three different times, as three different versions of himself.

Then comes the part everyone knows him for. The Hell in a Cell was a match type that was meant to be nothing more than a chain link fence surrounding the ring as a visual. The idea being that if a cage surrounded the ring on all sides, and had a roof, no one could get in or out. And that went horribly wrong.

There had been a few Hell in a Cell matches before this, with the highlights always coming from dropping partway down. In the first one Shawn Micheals climbed about HALFWAY up the wall of the cage, and then fell off. Because nobody would ever fall from the top right? Thats a 20 foot fall. That's insane. So naturally before the match, Mankind says to himself "What if we START the match on TOP of the cell??? That'd be pretty crazy, right?" It certainly was. And he certainly was. He gets thrown 20 feet off a makeshift chainlink fence, which was already buckling under the weight of both him and the Undertaker. He falls through a table, which he basically just bounced off onto a concrete floor with no padding, into the side of a guardrail that did not budge.

It took medics 10 minutes to make sure he wasn't dead, and his mental reaction to that is........"Ya know what? I'm gonna head back up there. Give that a second go. It's like chumbawumba always says. I get knocked down, but the medical team confirms my breathing and heart rate is stable, get me to my feet, I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down!"

What? You never heard the unabridged version of that song? Moving on.

So he gets back on top of the cell AGAIN. And as dangerous as the first fall was, now all hell breaks loose. Or rather all hell in a cell breaks loose! Ah, wordplay! What I'm trying to say is that a tragic disaster nearly happened which was inches if not millimeters from ending Mick Foleys life live on PPV. When he woke up, he was in the ring, eyes, mouth and nose filled with blood, knocked out tooth in his nose, and he had the appearance of smiling because he was pushing his tounge through a hole which had just been ripped in his skin just under his bottom lip. The image of him dying in the ring, EMTs attending his now pale corpse, Undertaker standing on top of the cell clearly unsure what he should be doing, and Jim Ross on commentary speaking in hushed concerned tones. Is something I thought would be the most haunting thing I ever saw on WWF television, with the most emotionally gut wrenching presentation I'd ever seen. Everyone watching knew the show was a show. We all knew it was all a production. This was all part of the show......but at the same time we all knew THIS wasn't part of the show.........and now he's sitting up and smiling into the camera with a tooth in his nose. This motherfucker. It's the only time that for me the lines got blurred. Is Mankind crazy? Or is Mick Foley crazy? Either way we're cheering for mental illness right now.


Usually when I post a comment the spinny wheel takes 1-3 seconds. Today it's taking 45-90 seconds. So I reset my phone, thinking it's just me, but no.

Anyone else having this issue, or is Verizon throttling Lemmy for me?


So, if the president dies, the procedure is that the vice president would then become president for the remainder of the term.

But what would happen if some extremist group somehow kidnapped the president (any sitting president, so this isn't targeted towards trump specifically, although I guess for the next 4 years it would be).

Like, lets say every Monday at noon, this extremist group did a live stream somehow, showing that the president is still alive, still coherent, but ballgagged so they can't just blurt out where they are.

And lets say that nobody is able to figure out where they're broadcasting from. For years.

Would that president remain president? Or would they treat them as dead, even though they're shown to be alive, and vice president becomes president for the remainder of the term?


So I just got home from work, and I was playing Nintendo Switch at work. Well, the battery died.

So I get get home, plop that bad boy in the dock. Turn on the TV, turn on my controller, and.....TV has no signal, controller isn't connecting.

I walk over, and press and hold the power button while it's in the dock, and it's not doing anything. I pull it out of the dock, and press the power button. It's showing me a blank screen with a red battery symbol to indicate no battery.

Yeah, that's fine. The dock has external power. Use that. Except, no. It's not. I need to wait for it to charge for a few minutes. At least enough to turn it on. THEN I can run off of wall power.

I understand the BATTERY is dead. I get that. But why can't you just draw from AC if it's in the dock? I don't even care if it's charging right now. I just want to play. It can charge later when I go to sleep, and it's just in the dock all night.

I want the switch 2 to just be drop and play, even with a dead battery. Bad enough I need to worry about if my controller is charged!

Can we bring back the WiiU controller battery life? I'm pretty sure that thing is still charged since the 1970s. Which doesn't even make sense, but it still somehow goes to show how long that controllers battery lasted.


Good vs Evil. A story as old as time itself. It's a story of a legitimate basketball game, played by the greatest basketball players of all time, as told from the perspective of a Harlem basketball fan.


It's a movie about Keenan and Kel working at Good Burger in their mid 40s. They have mental trauma so they regularly call radio psyciatrist Fraiser Krane.

Keenan and Kel never meet Fraiser, but half the movie is Keenan and Kel, and half the movie is Fraiser. They're regular callers, and screaming in agony in the world that is 2025.


I am NOT ok with music in the 90s being refered to as "oldies". Oasis is NOT oldies!!!

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