"Auxiliary light on"
I guess they use that to trigger the drop.
"Auxiliary light on"
I guess they use that to trigger the drop.
My own first name Mark, Firstly it is supposed to be spelled Marc as according to my mother I was named after Marc Bolan but they wrote it with a K on the birth certificate. Secondly it just doesn't feel like it suits me, I have no idea what alternative I would pick though. Maybe I just don't feel comfortable being called by my name no matter what it is :)
I feel that speaks more to your state of mind than anything the headline writer did... ;)
I'm 47 and without kids, I was always indifferent to them and decided if I got with somebody who wanted one then it would happen, Once my sisters had kids I lost any remaining interest in the idea, I don't think I would be a good dad as a result of my indifference. My Mrs is very much not interested in them either, Not a good environment for a kid to grow up in I feel. Sometimes people think it's ok to ask why not, For me that question isn't a problem but I can understand how it might be a massive problem for those who wanted them and for whatever reason didn't get any.
I am slightly surprised by a quarter though, Had you asked me before I would have said a few percent tops...
Just Ubuntu. I have tried plenty of others but Ubuntu just seems to tick most boxes for me.
EDIT: I am looking forward to the new Pop! when it comes out, I will surely give it a try, No idea if I will switch then though.
We usually go to a city somewhere and just explore, soak up the culture etc, We usually try to go on an adventure, Like when we went to Iceland in the winter and hired a car to drive round, That was fun, I just like to have a lot to remember and talk about when I return. I try not to visit the same place twice, Though I did go to Moscow twice as the Mrs wanted to go the second time.
Best I can offer is a static variable in my next coding round.
British, Yes, Most people here can, In fact in my 47 years I have only met 2 people who had automatic only licences. And I ran a garage for 7 years so met a lot of drivers. I have personally only owned manuals and haven't done more than 100 miles in Automatics.
Don't the lib dems have rejoining or closer ties as part of their manifesto ? or did I not recall properly...