I still eat this. It's far superior IMO
Doesn't matter what you read. Vote.
The same way we thought he would cost himself his own election, right? RIGHT???
Somewhat serious question: What would these people do for gloves?
There's a version of this you can 3D print. It's on printables. Works well for slouch gaming.
Game Genie code for invincibility in Super Mario Bros 2.
This person better hurry. I'm almost out of Total cereal and I need to know if I should restock.
I haven't read or seen LOTR. Everything I know about it has been pieced together from parodies and references in other media. The magic the gathering crossover set was probably the biggest exposure I've had.
I was taught it in school, have looked it up on Wikipedia, seen infographics, YouTube videos, etc., and yet I still do not know when to use those things. At this point I just refuse to purely out of fear.
I miss Pebble. That was the right blend of smart/simple with great battery life.
I've started putting Everything Seasoning on almost everything I eat. I mix it into mayo for sandwiches, throw it on burgers on the grill, sprinkle it on chicken in the pan. Try it.