
joined 8 months ago
[–] Teppichbrand@feddit.org 3 points 1 day ago

I'll once again post this, keep swiping

[–] Teppichbrand@feddit.org 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Nazis haben im Holocaust versucht alle Juden auszulöschen, dies unterstellst du hier der Hälfte der deutschen Bevölkerung. Ich verstehe deine Wut wirklich gut, es ist aber (meiner Meinung nach) total kontraproduktiv, hier ständig inflationär NAZI! zu schreiben. Das löst kein einziges Problem und nutzt den Begriff und seinen historischen Horror total ab. Wir sind noch weit von Progromen und Konzentrationslagern entfernt.

[–] Teppichbrand@feddit.org 4 points 2 days ago

Say the word!

[–] Teppichbrand@feddit.org 18 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (3 children)

Stell dir vor du bist ein aufstrebender Sänger und Tänzer in einem unbekannten, korrupten Land in Osteuropa. Du spielst in einer Fernsehserie den Präsidenten deines Landes und die Leute mögen dich. Du nutzt die Chance und lässt dich zum echten Präsident wählen, manchmal klappt sowas. Nun wirst du von einer Weltmacht überfallen und ehe du dich versiehst bist du Spielball in einem echten Stellvertreterkrieg zwischen Supermächten und echte Menschen sterben. Die westliche Welt feiert dich wie bei einem Fußballspiel.
Stell dir vor, dass dann die falsche Supermacht intern kollabiert, dir in den Rücken fällt und du plötzlich auch von dieser Seite angegangen wirst. Deine Unterstützung bröckelt. Was für ein Schlamassel!

[–] Teppichbrand@feddit.org 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I read an interview with the guy, he said that there are only a few fallen civilizations left to talk about and that he wants to end his podcast with an episode about us and our (first time ever) global civilization. Looking forward to that.
On the other hand, I read and listened to Kim Stanley Robinson a lot. In this podcast, he explains why he doesn't want to write dystopian novels, that they comfortably trap our mind. That we need utopian stories to not give up and let them™ win. I think he has a point.

[–] Teppichbrand@feddit.org 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Let's talk about that!
I was running Mint 21.3 using THIS script (tutorial) and it was incredible! It one-stop turned my (rather powerful) computer into an audio workstation. I just installed Bitwig and couldn't have been happier. All my VSTs worked with Yabridge, which came with the script. It was super snappy and my projects where huge! I edited big projects in Davinci as well.
Then I switched to Mint 22, looking forward to using PipeWire and ... it's not great. I have latency and my old projects stutter. I feel like in missing something but I don't know what it could be. Davinci is giving me errors as well, so can not use it right now. Need to look into it, don't want to. It's frustrating, but I don't want to downgrade!

[–] Teppichbrand@feddit.org 22 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

My country looked up to the US as a charismatic winner with a big ego and an anger problem, who turned full coked up psychopath now. I listened to the Fall of Civilizations-Podcast a lot and this feels like one. It's scary to watch and I feel sorry for all the good people living in this mess. But I agree, there is no sympathy left. Let the raging insanity humble the evil empire.

[–] Teppichbrand@feddit.org 17 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

If you own (or rather inherit) 20 million and you invest them with an interest rate of 5% you earn 1 million a year without doing any work. You can buy every luxury you need with an income like that. So everything above 20 million is not wealth or security anymore, it's power. And some people are attracted by it.

[–] Teppichbrand@feddit.org 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Ich mag Wagenknecht nicht, sie hat die Linke über Jahre von innen heraus geschwächt, ich finde ihre Positionen zu Migration, Klimakatastrophe und der Energiewende völlig daneben. Ich kann ihren Anti-Amerikanismus, die Wut auf bräsigen Volksparteien und die überreiche Elite aber verstehen. Und ich habe Respekt vor der Klarheit und Radikalität, mit der sie diese Gegenposition vertritt. Ich werde sie niemals wählen, freue mich aber über jede Stimme, die sie der AfD abnimmt. Wenn ich mich zwischen einem Wahlergebnis entscheiden müsste, bei dem 20% der Deutschen BSW oder AfD wählen, wäre mir die Wagenknecht-Partei viel lieber.

[–] Teppichbrand@feddit.org 12 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

This is a tragedy. And everybody knows the US is a rogue state now. I'm more interested in reading about solutions, then further emotionalizing the debate. This isn't helping anymore, it just makes ad money and attacks peoples mental health. Everyone already picked a side, so what do you want to do next?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Teppichbrand@feddit.org to c/degoogle@lemmy.ml

So Google decided to swap out batteries for free on Pixel 4a phones. I have two of them running LineageOS without Google, but I'd really like some fresh batteries. But I don't know if Google will accept my phone. Did anyone already try to get the free replacement? How did you do it and how did it work?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Teppichbrand@feddit.org to c/linux@lemmy.ml

So, I have two drives. #1 is a 1TB M.2 SSD, I'm currently dualbooting W10 and Linux Mint. (Please don't hate, I use Windows only for work, cannot drop it. #2 is an older 250GB Sata SSD, it's empty. I want to fresh install both OSs to #2 and use #1 as home for Linux.
Drive #2 doesn't show up as boot option in EFI (MSI Z690-A), only #1. When I boot into Windows setup from USB, I can start the installation, but it wants to reboot during the progress and I can't choose #2 at all. So it boots into Linux, I see unfinished Windows on #2 but can not do anything about it.
I'm no beginner, but I'm clueless here. Any help?


I'm not going to write a full review here but I really enjoyed it. It looks incredible, had strong Solarpunk and Half-Earth implications. It's emotional yet honest and mature. Animals look and act great as well. You should watch it.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Teppichbrand@feddit.org to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I'm on Linux for a couple of years and I love it. Distrohoping never interested me though, I'm content with my flavour. But I need to reinstall my OS soon and it gives me headaches. So many settings I changed, applications I installed, configured and forgot about.
Now I read about all you guys constantly distrohopping for fun, how do you even do this? Do you start from scratch, explore everything and leave after months of putting in all the work of making an OS your own!? Or do you just casually check it out a couple of days? What do you do with all your music, pictures, addons, portable software?

Rezeptetausch? (feddit.org)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Teppichbrand@feddit.org to c/dach@feddit.org

Angestoßen von der Kochbuch-Tirade habe ich gestern von der Rezepteverwaltungs-App Broccoli (F-Droid) geschwärmt. Dann eben meine Sammlung exportiert und hochgeladen. Die Datei kann einfach in Broccoli importiert werden.
Wäre es nicht interessant, hier alltagserprobte, mit Schlagwörtern versehene Rezeptsammlungen zu teilen? Ich versuche mal:
Meine Rezepte: Grundrezepte, Hauptgerichte, Dipps, Brot & Süßes, Cocktails


Keep posting them, but we should just copy the text and link to the source instead of screenshooting a couple of sentences like my mom, no? This would save some disk space and power consumption as well.

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