That Titan trilogy is such a trip, I'd watch that for sure, just to see if they fully went for it.
Code name: Bosco
Oh yes, it's been years since I read the book. I really enjoyed all the industrial espionage and corporate scumbaggery added in.
Best novel you've read this year, no need to cap it by publishing date!
Sounds right up my alley, thank you!
Thank you, I'll be checking this out!
Glad I saw this post, was hoping to read something quality within this genre. Thanks for the recommendation!
I played on my launch ps4 system. Had to reformat the drive to resolve some hard locks when loading. But goddamn when I finally got into it, I found the game so enjoyable. The quests, and stories hidden in some the corners were great and detailed. My only true complaint was a bit of a shallow open world experience (wanted mini games, better cop interactions etc.) Once I cranked up the difficulty and really loved the combat. Even doing leveling loops just fragging or slicing apart groups was satisfying. I cannot wait to load it up on pc with PL and see how far it's come.
When I was little boy mother would sing me song. It goes like this "life is short, life is shit, soon it will be over."
Really like to color scheme, and yeah they'll really pop when they get dirty and damaged!
The Sopranos