Checking this, tyvm
It's actually insane. I'm not built for corporate jobs but goddamn I have no idea how anyone would want to work for such a company.
My nose pushed out air when I read it. Sign of approval.
One of my closer friends is on a weird path atm. He's full into Russian propaganda, anti-western stuff, flat earth, anti vaxx and whatnot.
I tried to reason with him. Turns out he doesn't even know how to verify something he's read online. Check sources? Nope. Google something you've seen in a video that sounds super weird? Nope, just believe it.
I came to accept that he might just be too stupid to navigate modern media without being a victim of misinformation, propaganda and lies.
cheers, was intrigued if this was an alternative for LibreWolf. Hope it'll come around!
This is the way. But I won't disable ublock when the website tells me to or breaks intentionally.
The mouse should realize that sometimes it's better to pay people instead of shit like this.
Being this hellbent on winning a case is hurting the IP more than the couple dozen millions they have to shell out to pay the victim's family.
Bloß schwäbisch
sriracha, the one with xtra garlic