Batteries have a plus and a minus, the spring is generally the flatter end which is generally negative, they’re designed that way to be stackable, although we could probably come up with a slightly more intuitive design.
Aha ok yeah that does make more sense will give it a shot— thank you!
Having a preference isn’t wrong? Some people like hairy people, some don’t, red heads vs blondes, etc. Now we can all argue that internal characteristics are probably better indicators: is this person good? Is this person nice to animals, etc. But there’s nothing wrong with having a preference along the axis of a single attribute.
Let’s say I’m using a streaming service for instance
Wait so if you go to the airport without planning for a flight in advance it’s cheaper? I mean seems kinda like a very cross your fingers way of traveling. However could be fun if cost reduction is significant and going on a common flight route.
They are pretty dang cheap, and could but in dry box, this might be the most reasonable solution— though the AC power requirement is a slight drag over usbc
Yeah that would be fine, but really would prefer Linux if possible so I don’t have to faf about with touch screens (sand is not their friend)
Nope just would need to build an enclosure for it— which would be fun— just unsure if I can build something robust enough that won’t fail in me in the time that I have
This would be a good idea— they are pretty cheap def appreciate the ruggedness
Whoa hadn’t heard of them, surprisingly affordable too, I’ve never used a physical thumb keyboard but could be interesting and could always bring an external keyboard for programming— very temping considering the upgrade path only caveat is whether it would be here in time. Thank you!
I have a Tesla model 3 with my partner. It was simply the most cost effective EV for us at the time and let us do road trips easily with the super charger network, also he really likes the software updates and self driving features and stuff.
We bought it a while ago when Elon was just an idiot billionaire dick, perhaps not so different from other car makers executive boards just a bit more visibly and annoying, or at least that’s what we thought at the time. It’s worked well for us. We wouldn’t buy it again today given Elons actions in the past year especially.
Certainly I would hope our car wouldn’t be vandalized. Sometimes cars are compromises between family members with different viewpoints, sometimes they’re bought second hand, or more cheaply from older family members when they want a new car. It’s almost impossible to know the story of a car on the street.
Yet I think social pressure to stigmatize people buying teslas is a good thing at this point. Maybe leave a note, or do something non destructive. I get that may not have the same financial repercussions for teslas sales, but it should still help, while not having the detraction of potentially alienating and so listing the viewpoints of the victim of vandalism.
Well yeah I could, but it’s 21 days not counting the lake at the end— what if I forget how to use vim? /s