
joined 3 months ago
[–] 5 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

Only one word: Yes!

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

France is self sufficient since during WW2 the US tried to force Churchill to stop supporting Charles De Gaulle and instead support a more easily controllable puppet (François Darlan). US was really close to succeed but Darlan's murder forced the US to finally accept against their will De Gaulle.

De Gaulle learned it and after the war he turned the country into anti-US politic with a complete and self sufficient army and a completely autonomous nuclear program ( UK still need US approve to use their nuke).

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

A400M is a beauty :)

[–] 7 points 2 days ago

the speech of Laurent Fabius that tried to turn France into something it is not:

"It's time to receive the peace dividend"

France is historically a warmonger and it's not healthy for a country not to accept what they are so it's time for the whole world to eat baguette. a baguette for you, and for you and a funny mushroom baguette for you because you have been nasty: baguettes for everyone!

[–] 14 points 2 days ago (1 children)

you made an huge error: it's not a Gripen but a Rafale... Our french lady has two engines and the special french touch, can't be mistaken with the sweden lady :P

[–] 7 points 3 days ago

anything "with USA" is almost dead plan if it imply acting against russia right now...

[–] 9 points 4 days ago (2 children)

We can see the 2 number 1 behind him so right now he is on a mine soooo Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru....

[–] 4 points 4 days ago

thanks Finland for almost solo carrying EU on the Artillery category 🤣

[–] 9 points 4 days ago (1 children)

there are 2 problems with that:

  1. We are not sure the successor of putin will not be worst than him
  2. We have yet to see if russia will stop their hybrid war on EU when the peace is signed in Ukraine. (hybrid war that started waaaayyyy before the Ukrainian invasion, during the middle of the 00')

Trust between russia and all others european countries are really heavily damaged. The east part of the EU will needs decades before they can decide not to veto anything positive to russia. Poland is the new gravity center of EU and still has yet to forgive WW2 invasion and the split of it's country.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago (4 children)

We should think as United States of Europe / Not United States of Europe... Being between two power hungry "president" should push EU to move toward federalism but only after Ukraine and Moldova joined (and I'm sorry for Switzerland that will be stucked in the middle of one country: your fault for that 😛 ). Federalism would mean 1 army, 1 diplomatic voice and the end of the mess that we showed to the world during that crysis.

[–] 15 points 4 days ago (1 children)

From what I understood it's more EU will increase their military spending up to 700bn and in it there is the Ukrainian package (which imply that EU is just doubling their military spending).

Even if it's that, I wonder if it was on putler bingo card since it means that EU spending will be almost on par with US spending while having common border with ruzzia, an Ukraine close to joining that alliance and with EU article 42-7 that will protect once and for all Ukraine from ruzzia once the peace is settled.

He must be enraged by that huge increase in military spending and that's good :)

[–] 5 points 4 days ago

well putler said he wanted US Military-Industrial Complex outside of EU, he forgot to ask for EU not to becomes a US bis MIC wise 🤣.


I have just received an update of the #peertube app from #fdroid on my phone: the adding of the official peertube app in fdroid is imminent ^^


"On 17 January 2024, the Government of the Czech Republic approved the material "Restarting the implementation of DNSSEC and IPv6 technologies in the state administration". On the basis of this decision, the Czech state administration will stop providing its services over IPv4 on 6 June 2032. Thus, the Czech Republic knows its IPv4 shutdown date."

A timer has been put on the website. We need more country to do the same...


As someone new to the universe (I jumped into this universe this year and I read everything I humanly can from the Black Library), I found strange that a lot of people who comments on the reveal that Titus is fearless since a child just stop there and don't connect with what has been said at the beginning of the episode.

The Imperium control its army with a faith built on fear. Because Titus is fearless, it implies that he has no faith for the Imperium (at least not one imposed to him by the Imperium). Based on the fact he spent centuries being torture by the inquisition we can assume he is loyal to the Imperium.

But there are 2 differences between Loyalty and Faith:

  • the fact that a Loyal soldier can't be control
  • Loyalty is toward a nation (the Imperium) while Faith is toward a religious figure (here the Emperor of Mankind).

That's why everyone around Titus is afraid of him joigning the chaos. But from what we know Titus is too loyal to betray the Imperium (and is resistance to the chaos may makes him immune to god corruption). But doesn't it put him on a lot of historical figure who betrays there leader when they think they betray the nation? Roman and medieval histories has a lot of those historical figure. Brutus killing Cesar is the most known of all.

Of course Titus will never try to kill the Emperor of Manking but right now the real leader of the Imperium is Titus own primarch: Guilliman who serves as the Regent. Titus is not strong enough to kill a primarch but an assassination attempt would be a big deal on its own (a second Horus Heresy but this time without god corruption).

All this emphasis during all this years on how Titus is unique among the Spaces Marines, to the point where the first mainstream movie/tv show is just about that, I just can't imagine they will do nothing about it.

I am probably wrong, I'm too new to the universe, to really judge my own analysis. That's why I'm writing it here hoping to learn a lot more about that specific subject of the lore (the lore is so big now, it's hard to know what to read to analyze the probability of a theory).


"Nos 11 millions d'électeurs". Depuis cet été le RN continue de répeter ce chiffre comme si c'était énorme et PERSONNE n'ose demander lors des interviews: "11 millions d'électeurs sur combien de citoyens Français?" histoire de les remettre à leurs places... C'est triste...


4 mouth old news but I searched on both NCD on reddit and here and found nothing about it... The aging, damaged ‘Kuznetsov’ is unlikely to deploy ever again.

it's the end of a very funny era :'(


The petition is open to all EU resident. The goal is to replace all Windows in all public institution in Europe with a sovereign GNU/Linux.

If the petition is successful it would be a huge step forward for GNU/Linux adoption.

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