Does microwaving other things make them taste weird?
Pocket sand.
Creators that wanted to support hookers and drug in meta - but couldn’t?
They should put each game on its own separate storage – We’ll call them cartridges.
Have never played. But love the current state of NWN1. This news sounds lovely.
Edit: Glancing through the NWN Developer Chat Discord - this looks like it might be going through them. So… slightly more skeptical.
Then dry with normal paper afterwards.
Have never really found this to be necessary. But yeah - just buy and use baby wipes.
This is about on par with other “pump covers”.
People abuse things.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Was the email subject of my last resignation.
I’d watch this episode of Parks and Rec.
I went down the rabbit hole of idlers last year.
Fortunately it doesn’t cost any money but I saw that one as pretty high tier among the ones I played.
Somewhere around now I try to get like 80% of things entered – then I procrastinate on the last %20.