The Punisher might get off on mishandled evidence...
Things weren't moving forward though, that's exactly how we lost the support of the working class. Inequality and cost of living have been going up every decade.
What if we win - will we just try again, but voting harder until we need revolution again? With our current demographics, it could easily become a right wing revolution too.
We need a new power structure centered around workers, and always have. This is where capitalism leads.
I just don't do withholding and invest the money until tax day. It's a higher return, and they won't take your refund to pay overdue student loans.
The government has always been run by the wealthy, half-assedly protecting workers rights at best. The only logical choice remains - unionization.
Tor is bad for piracy because it's designed for low bandwidth applications. Maybe I2P?
They'll probably get a list of hashes from major copyright holders. So the biggest torrents won't work, but you'll still be able to pirate small-time artists.
If you just play it cool and use that jacket bump, it won't even occur to anyone that it's a boner.
I would allow it. The damage is terrible compared to actual attacks, the enemies can figure it out, and it's slow.
Let them have the win until it's underpowered in a few levels. It's fun to figure out a cool combo, and you can just make the game harder.