Theoretically, one could be speaking in Italy, but that's only if Italy exists
... I'll see myself out
Theoretically, one could be speaking in Italy, but that's only if Italy exists
... I'll see myself out
Nah. Please do not blame yourself for being a child that didn't have emotional regulation. Please hold parents to the bare minimum standard of providing modeling of it. Throwing shit or hitting you is not healthy modeling.
Keeping in mind it's a majority of the voting population. Millions sat out that didn't in 2020. Millions more don't show up consistently because they've been systematically conditioned into apathy or forced to jump through hoops they can't prepare for like voter id laws or polling stations being shut down. Same issue - they lack the media literacy or just reading comprehension in general at times.
I'm ok with discriminating against billionaires to the extent that they shouldn't exist. I don't believe there should be such disproportionate power. There is a general trend of white men having the most, but it's not exclusive. I don't therefore believe white men all disproportionately have more power and discriminate against them. Does that make sense?
If not, please do explain how anything I've said is racist. I'm hoping this was just a misunderstanding and you're not implying that calling out systemic racism is racist in itself. That would put us in quite the pickle lol
Well that just put a horrific image in my mind as a person capable of childbirth
Thanks, I hate it lol
I met my last long term partner on a dating app, but these days it's not a route I'd want to take. I met someone on discord more recently in a really wonderful community that allowed me to get to know him and make other friends with none of the same pressure
Not all people have the same opportunity. To say all people are the same is to deny systemic reality. Lemme know when everyone has similar wealth or power to Trump, Musk, Zuckerberg, etc.
The Nazi movement would not be competent at all without enough cogs in the machine
Have you tried using your toes?
The only reference I have to go on off the top of my head there is Django Unchained where a difference was noted for those working in the house vs fields. I imagine it was used as emotional manipulation to bribe them with better living conditions in some cases, though
Jokes aside, there have been cultures where women went into labor and would deliver by themselves away from the tribe. It's been a while since I read about it, but iirc if she returned without the newborn is was either unacknowledged or at minimum just accepted as her decision. Imagine having a still birth or a child with extreme physical deficiencies prior to modern medicine. I do remember thinking when I read it that it surely resulted in women not returning, too, because childbirth can be risky even with a team of professionals.
Also wet nurses have been a thing, and the practices with that range from understandable to horrific - think wives of slave owners not wanting to breast feed, so they force a slave that's given birth recently take on the duty, usually as a priority over their own child. Course, there's always been women who couldn't produce milk, so it has been done altruistically, too
First thing that came to mind for me is going after retired federal employees, veterans, etc. Also locating immigrants, even if they're here legally with documentation.