Check out the overlay filesystem. I'm using it for one pi and have had the same SD card for years. I don't know if it'll work for pinole, but may get you thinking in a new direction.
Sometimes I think you're right. Other times I think that couldn't possibly be true.
I've studied many of the bigger wars and they've all mostly have been started by far less severe events. It's scary that one person could wield all that power, unchecked and unaccountable.
It sounds like it's time to build a bunker.
Probably not, but it could open up a whole new set of business possibilities for creative Canadians. As the article points out, building repair kits for cars & tractors to sell world wide or selling printer ink bypass kits or mandating in country app stores.
I'm no economist, but I don't think this will offset the cost of the US tariffs to everyday Canadians, but it will steal profits from US companies who will cry to uncle trump that Canada's stealing their lunch money. He may reconsider the tariffs.
If I had my way, Canada would also make a statement that US copyright works are not copywritable in Canada, so copy & distribute to the world. Worst case, Canadians get free US music, movies & software. Best case, concerned US companies establish a presence in Canada and pay taxes, bring jobs, etc.
Depending on what your question is asking, search around for Steve Forbes Flat Tax or Ross Perot Flat Tax.
I may have this wrong, but I recall Steve Forbes was proposing to decomplicste the IRS tax codes and implement a flat IRS income tax. In other words, remove the tax brackets and have everyone pay a fixed percent regardless of income.
Similarly, I recall Ross Perot propose that the US remove income tax completely and instead charge a flat tax on purchases (sales tax). If memory serves, it was 13% (inn, addition to state and local sales taxes).
In my uneducated opinion, both of these seem like good ideas at first. Who wouldn't want a simpler tax code? Upon deeper inspection, I feel like both plans would favor wealthy Americans more than "the average Joe". As said in other posts here, the wealthy report having less income through deductions and other financial wizardry and the unrich spend a greater percentage of their income on day to day expenses.
Canada's boss move is to remove the intellectual property laws that the US asked for and let Canadian companies and consumers thrive again.
OK, since you mentioned the media, putting "gate" after any government scandal. Nixon's scandal was involving the Watergate Office Building.
The solution ended up being a setting on the printer that was overriding the firmware setting. I found the answer here.
In case anyone is having the same problem, It seems that the settings stored in the printer overwrides the FILAMENT_RUNOUT_DISTANCE_MM in the firmware. So I just went the the printer configuration -> advance configuration -> filament and then I changed the runout distance and stored the settings.
Good arguments. Fun fact: My first accident occurred when I was looking over my shoulder to change lanes. The road was also sheer ice.
Yes. Me. I was taught that the mirrors were supposed to be aligned with the sides of the car. You're supposed to look over your shoulder to change lanes and not rely on the mirrors.
Similarly, adding gadgets to cars is not a substitute for a car with well designed visibility. I've driven so many (rental and test drives) cars where I can't see out well. Many of the manufacturers will just throw in electronics as the answer.
Fun fact, many of the external sensors don't work well in winter driving conditions, especially freezing drizzle.
I'm having difficulty backing into parking spots with the mirrors set this way, too. I don't do it too often, and I was hoping someone here had a solution.
Since covid, there's been a lot of food in the house. Something about not being able to get it when we wanted made us buy more, more often and stockpile. Of course, food expires and throwing it away means that it was a bad decision to buy so much, so eating it is the only financially responsible thing to do, right?