that's all i'm saying, given the facts, occams razor and all
cheers, if i were to guess, the russiagate stuff is a way that smart people attempt to justify to themselves how they've been "tricked" by trump somehow, to allow that orange idiot dominion over them in not trying hard enough or being smart enough to stop him. i also think this last salvo is ukranian/european intelligence in a last best bid to do anything to stop the oncoming destruction and enslavement of their people, which I get, and sympathize with. if i were them i would have dropped a piano on that fucking asshole 8 years ago, and will go to my grave not knowing why they didn't. james bond? nobody. urkainians are dead men walking, and this is as good a thing as any to put out into the world as a last gasp. but if you've known donald trump from his nyc days, and through all his failed businesses, and his ties to racists and organized crime explaining the only way he's been able to float above all his failures, and know who his father was, and what he sees as the true order he believes the world should work, it's not rocket science.
some? half? of the time the majority of you all just happen to be dead wrong, and acting like obtuse and ignorant morons. for the most part you're baiting antisemites, but the idiocy leaks into plenty of other stuff. i do what i can.
The noodles and chicken look lovely, but I have to be one of the only people on planet earth that cannot countenance a runny or hard boiled egg in my otherwise perfect food
yes. and it doesn't matter. donald trump is a moron, but he's evil, and has failed upward to be president of the united states twice, first time a million americans died due to a purposefully inept covid response, this second time, he's going to beat that number by ordinates. everyone so fixated on how smart or accomplished these nazis are, it does not matter. This is a way for everyone to feel better that they're smarter, or know sooooo many people that are smarter. If we were smarter, they wouldn't keep fucking beating, and killing us. IQ means nothing, it's what you can leverage with what you have individually or within or at the forefront of a group that does. And these Nazi fucks know how to do that.
Robert DeNiro has a child with Autism he is absolutely positively convinced was caused by vaccines, he's shushed a lot in public, but it's a rock solid belief of his. I have no idea what to say except, the science says it's not true, so I either believe one man's (more than that but still) personal experience and unimaginable pain at the unfairness of life, or I believe demonstrable scientifically tested fact. I go with the later, but still with Bobby well.
Donald Trump has broken the Constitutional binding of Checks and Balances, upon which all law in the United States is governed. Ask yourself what that means to business contracts which depend on those laws to be guaranteed, and what the loss of faith in the underlying system means to all commerce in this country and between this country and foreign individuals, corporations, and nation states.
Anycahoots, that's my long way of answering, What would happen if Americans stopped buying new consumer goods for a month? with: you are going to find out
shema yisrael adonai eloheinu adonai echad