And does it have to be my femur?
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Don't be mean. I promise to do my best to judge that fairly.
Nope! It's doesn't even have to be human.
brb i have a haul to take from my nearest butcher shop
the bone fairy will be pleased and my bedsheets will smell of rotting flesh
Win win!
Cash, cash, cash for your bones! Too many bones? Not enough cash? Call Cash Bone! Ribs, skulls, spines, even certain tiny ear bones. The leg bone's connected to the Cash Bone!
My brother once slept in with his head under his pillow. He got much for his skull but at what cost...
Now we call him totally headless nick
Mom got angry when I kept putting chicken bones under my pillow each night. "Don't incur the wrath of the bone fairy!" she warned!
Anyway, I'm a fae touched warlock now so who's laughing now, Ma.
Anyway, I'm a fae touched warlock now so who's laughing now, Ma.
In my experience, the answer to this is nearly always "everyone involved in the situation, except for you."
I'm sure there's easier ways to pick up Eldritch blast.
Hostile bone fairy? You mean the Moopsy
A femur? That depends, is it your femur? Or is it a femur you acquired?
In the former, you may be eligible for a lifetime of less-than-poverty wages, for free from a thing called "dys ahh bill eee tee"...
If it's the latter, you can get an all expenses paid trip to the local penetentary! Where you will be given free food, clothing and shelter, possibly for years!
Either way, you may not have to work, ever again... Or maybe you just won't be able to! Who knows!
But what if it's not a human femur. Like say a goat femur.
We're going to need a pricing table here for that. Let me ask Haskill for that.
A femur bucks than for a tooth
I didn't realize fairies worked like the American healthcare system, with mouth bones being a super special exception from the rest of the bones
Eh, tooth fairies are totally unheard of in quite a few countries, but dental school is regarded as medical special ed pretty much worldwide.
In America's case they are generally considered healthcare professionals but insurance insists they are covered separately.
It's the same thing in Canada as well unfortunately.
Moopsy agrees.
I would watch this Doctor Who episode
If the bone fairy gave you money for your bones, it's not more than what the tooth fairy gives for teeth otherwise we'd have a totally different tradition going on.
Well, bones are quite a lot bigger compared to teeth so, it's a possibility that you could get more money from a bone fairy.
Seeing how bone fairies are more hostile, the bones you place under your pillow will likely end up as protection fees.
Miss a payment and lose a bone.
One bag of freshly plucked eyeballs from the eyeball fairy.
The eyeball fairy leaves you with 1 lb of spleen's.
They all trade parts to leave you with something. You don't want to know what the pound of flesh fairy leaves...
Personaly, I prefer the boner fairy
Wait till you put it under your couch cushion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
JD Vance, is that you?
You have discovered the true identity of the sofa king
Those fairies live in the same universe where the skeletons came at night and the bones are their money and so are the worms?
The tooth fairies in Pathfinder pull out tiny pliers and take your teeth by force, can't wait to throw them at my group
In Quebec, we had a legend that is thought to be related to "The Bone setter". It's a guy that would crack back your bones or something, and their patients would scream, so people were rightfully scared.
Parents would basically say to their child that if they misbehave, they would call the bone setter.
Probably makes them fear chiropractors as well. So... ... Win win
Québec? Username checks out. 😅😂
Teeth aren't bones y'all!
You shut your whore mouth!
.... You'll spoil the joke! C'mon man.
Username checks out though
Indeed it does. I noticed that immediately after I posted my comment.
Oh well.
About tree fiddy.
Side question: how much do kids get for teeth these days? Has inflation hit the tooth fairy game yet?