Soda hits a spot that sugary drinks without the fizz don't. It's why sodas taste awful when they've gone flat. If I buy one of those prepackaged sweet teas I can't handle it, the sweetness is somehow overpowering for me. Same goes for most juices.
For me, sugar really brings out the flavor in things though. The sugar in a soda works to enhance the flavor, while the carbonation offsets the strength of the sugar. If I water down a soda with seltzer it's okay, but it's much more bland, so much less enjoyable. It really is the combination of the two that works here.
With that said, I am pretty picky with my sodas (much like everything else I'm eating or drinking, unfortunately). Anything I don't enjoy much more than water I'll turn down. I like colas and birch beers and cream sodas, not so much orange/grape soda or sprite.
There are, but as long as 98% of the userbase is all on the main instance the decentralization provides little protection from the whims of corporate.
I've started playing a game called Yaoling, which is a monster taming/collecting game. The battling system is much more like Yo-Kai Watch than Pokémon - you're not really bossing them around, they kind of do their own thing once you've made preparations and started.
Absolutely spectacular gameplay so far, I'm really impressed. Love the artwork and monster designs. It's in early access right now and it warns you to expect some bugs, but other than a lot of typos in the English translation I've only come across a couple minor issues. Official release planned for mid-July I think.
87.1tb of books is very little?? Have I just been downloading the smallest size pdf and djvu files by pure luck?
Vectorman had a ton of those. ABRACADABRA would restore your HP. BALL and BALD would both display coordinates in the screen corner, one of them had more precision than the other I think. That was more annoying that useful for someone just playing but I remember the codes anyway.
"I hope some future historian will confirm that I was the first person to use the word 'boogers' in a comic strip." - Bill Watterson
If you want to show there are infinitely many primes, one way is to first note that every integer greater than 1 has a prime factor. This is because if an integer n is prime, n is a prime factor of itself, and if n is not prime then it must have a smaller factor m other than 1, 1< m < n. If m is also not prime, it too must have a smaller factor other than 1, and you can keep playing this game but there are only so many integers between 1 and n so eventually you'll get to a factor of n that has no smaller factors of its own other than 1, which means it is prime.
Let's now suppose there is only a finite number of primes, we'll try to show that this assumption leads to nonsense so can't be possible.
We can multiply any finite number of integers together to get a new integer. Let's multiply all of the primes together to get a new number M. Then M + 1 gives a remainder of 1 when you divide by any prime number. Since dividing by a factor will always give a remainder of 0, none of the prime numbers can be a factor of M + 1. So M + 1 is an imteger bigger than 1 with no prime factors. This is impossible, so there must be a mistake somewhere in this argument.
The only thing we said that we're not 100% sure is true was that there are a finite number of primes, so that has to be our mistake. So there must be infinitely many prime numbers.
I misread that as Radeon 9700 for a second and thought I had jumped back in time twenty years.
There are only finitely many prime numbers and I will not hear otherwise.
I don't remember where I read this quote originally and I can only paraphrase it, but observing people living in a capitalist society and concluding that human nature is self-centeredness and greed is equivalent to observing workers in a factory that is poisoning their lungs and concluding that human nature is to cough.
I got the first one a year or two after it came out and I remember I really enjoyed it. I think once I got the jacks I barely needed any other weapon.