Imagine having a nice, relaxing work poo and suddenly the next stall is full of fish mourners
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How did it happen that many people (Americans???) flush fish down the toilet?
Just bury it, like you would any other dead pet.
I used to bury my pets until my family got mad
You’re supposed to wait until the pets are dead.
It's time to flush my 5-ton (11.000-pound) pet elephant down the toilet 😢
Did you wait for them to die before ?
Uhh, my roommate fed his dead fish to my tarantula.
The ciiiirrrrrcle of lifffffeeeee
Continuous ecosystem, why not
I was surprised she actually ate it to be honest. I was expecting to have to dig it out.
Maybe I'm alone on this, but my family used to put dead birds, squirrels,... found on our terrain in the trash... I really got furious and said that those were living beings and they deserve proper burial even if it's some random animal found in the backyard...
The only way to make them understand what It means was to say: "Don't worry, I will also put your dead body in a trash bin".
That's fine, put me in the trash. Reverence for dead bodies is weird. They aren't living, they will never be living again, they are empty husks of meat. The only reason to bury them or do anything else with them is to avoid the spreading of rot and disease. Putting them in the trash is just as acceptable as throwing out that 2 month old cooked beef you forgot about in the back of the fridge.
That's your point of view. And I won't give you any counter-arguments... I'm not even religious by any mean, but showing some respect is the minimum due to every living being on earth.
Sure I put my own vision to other family members, but In most people believe system being thrown away like trash is not the way you want to be remembered of.
Putting them in the trash is just as acceptable as throwing out that 2 month old cooked beef
I do not eat any meat but I won't push that specific regime to anyone, because that's not how it works. However, I'm not sure this comparison is right... You wouldn't eat your cat/dog, pet bird, bunny?
You wouldn't eat your cat/dog, pet bird, bunny?
I have had pet bunny soup, unfortunately. We were moving and we couldn't give him away so my grandpa took him out back and my grandma fired up the stove... It wasn't a nice experience for us kids but it was culturally acceptable here.
The ground is clay here. You dig that hole.
I don't know. I tried it with a salmon once, but I had to call the plumber.
Buried a fish under a tree once, fuckin dog had that shit dug up in 5 minutes and was rolling around in it.
It might be a Simpsons did it thing. Then finding Nemo probably popularized it further with the "all drains lead to the ocean" scene.
It's older than the Simpsons for sure. Flushing your (mostly/presumed) dead pets down the toilet was how the urban legends of alligators in the NYC sewers came about...
It's all pipes Jerry!
We, a developer team, had a fish at work. Being developers it was a Beta fish. And, of course, we named it Masta.
Kinda in the same vein: I was taking an emergency dump at a Walmart. There was a person in the stall next to me taking a dump as well.
Some time passes and a Walmart employee knocks and says "maintenance, any one in here?" And before I can respond the guy next to me let's out a massive loud as hell fart and the walmart employee without missing a beat says "take your time".
I didn’t screenshot it lol, it’s literally like that from the the place I stole it from
You STOLE it??? Just downloaded it right onto your device???
You wouldn't download a car.....
Given the opportunity, yes I would
And the owner gets to keep the original? Hell yeah, I'll take two.
Whoa whoa its not stealing mate, it's content aggregation.
Jesus fucking Christ dude use night mode.
How else are they supposed to get a tan?
Meh, night mode only makes sense if you generally use your computers at night in a dark room. I was a night mode absolutist but then I started going outside more and realized "wow night mode is actually unusable when the sun is out" and now I have almost everything in light mode
So like okay, so OK, so OK, like so, OK, so Okay, like Ok, so????
Was it a skibidi toilet?
I’ve heard there was a secret chord
🫧Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub blub🫧