Jeg er i en 90er punk musik fase i øjeblikket. Både for ren nostalgi, men det viser sig også at det passer ret godt som soundtrack til den globale politiske stemning lige nu.
Jeg var på arbejdsrejse halvdelen af januar, og havde så workshop her i Danmark at lede. Så denne uge var den første tilbage i min rutine - mindede mig om hvor stor pris jeg sætter på at arbejde hjemmefra, og kunne finde tid til at træne osv! Håber I alle har haft en god uge.
A PPL split is a great choice, so no need to switch to full body unless you want to.
I also find doing full body takes too much time on a given day. My current approach is an upper-lower split instead. That way, on weeks when I can only hit the gym 4 days, all muscles are still getting stimulation twice in that week. When I can more consistently go 6 times per week I tend to do PPL.
The main comment I would have, which has also been mentioned by others, is you probably need to specify your goal (e.g. hypertrophy vs strength?). Then you can research the ideal rep ranges for that goal, as they can differ.
And most importantly, you need to plan for progression - you need some form of creating 'progressive overload' in your programme. If your sets and reps are always static at 3X15, then how will you do that? It may not be realistic to increase weight each time, but you could increase reps over time, up to a higher limit, and when you've reached that, you then increase the weight and start at a lower rep number - rinse and repeat. There are many other approaches to this too - so find what makes sense for you.
I was 5 or 6 when he read the Hobbit aloud to me. The trilogy is a bit denser so I read that jointly with him I think when I was 10. My daughter and I did all the books as bedtime stories when she was 8, and she liked them all, but the Hobbit is definitely her favorite.
Possibly considered a bit basic or boring, but definitely Tolkien for me. It's a classic for a reason, and personally it is still so special to me
One of my earliest and dearest childhood memories was my dad reading the Hobbit to me when I was quite small. We later read the trilogy books as well. Loved them all. Recently read them all with my daughter, creating a whole new set of precious memories.
Jeg har lige fået godkendt en måned fri fra arbejde i april, så er nu i gang med planlægningen af en måneds road trip i Sydafrika med min mand og datter.
Helt enig. Der er ingen tvivl om at aktiv dødshjælp er er etisk kompliceret område. Det ville helt sikkert kræve meget detaljerede regler at implementere det på en måde der undgår misbrug. Men deres argumenter imod her, er ikke særlig gennemtænkte eller overbevisende.
The things I appreciate the most about my life, are the ones that took me off plan and by surprise. The unscripted unexpected shit, that’s my real happiness.
You shouldn’t stop. It never makes me uncomfortable when people say anything nice to my dogs, and they always love it too.
God morgen. Jeg får ikke læst ret meget for tiden - delvist fordi jeg spiller for meget BG3, men delvist fordi jeg mangler en god bog til at få mig i gang igen. Er der nogen her der kan anbefale en god bog? Det kan være stort set hvadsomhelst, bare velskrevet!
Gale disapproves
Jaaa! Det er glædeligt at høre, velkommen til jer der er nye 😁