Sorry, can't hear you, paving over our arable land because owning apartments is less work.
solarpunk memes
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I wish we were building apartments. I just got a business park and a whole police complex being built.
Dense living isn't the issue. It's single family homes turning everything into lawn
Next episode we talk about our eroding farmlands and needless urbanization.
I mostly listen to heavy metal on my tractor.
Have you tried switching to unleaded?
Maybe they don't like listening to soft rock.
Lead is actually a pretty soft rock, as well as a heavy metal
There probably is the occasional farmer using leaded gas in a tractor...
It's your one way ticket to midnight.
Basically all the land is already owned by corporations or farmers with generational wealth. Where will the farmers farm?
It's called feudalism
Basically all the land is already owned by corporations or farmers with generational wealth
This is really not true. Around 15% of total -current**- farmland by area is owned by corporations. I get that you probably want to say it's often the case and that "much" land is owned by corporations, but that's not 100% the case. There are also several initiatives to help match farmers with land either to buy or rent, and even government loan programs to help folks buy their land. I know from personal experience that it's not easy, but I also know compared with actually making a living farming, finding the land is relatively easy.
** I specify current because there are many different classifications of what constitutes arable land. When it comes down to it any land is "arable" with enough effort.
There's a lot of farmers that are looking to not be farmers anymore. There's also lots of land for lease.
There’s a lot of farmers that are looking to not be farmers anymore.
Because people demand all produce be in season all the time, be extremely fresh, cost next to nothing, be sustainably grown, be delivered to your door and be absolutely perfect looking.
As a consequence, a farmer is lucky to make $25k per year on $250k in revenue.
Farming has pretty much always been a way to spend millions to make thousands. Whether it's meme produce or staple grains.
It's not quite that bad.
On another note... I have no idea what "meme produce" is supposed to me.
What are all of our finest bros with carefully curated facial hair and neck tattoos going to do for a living now, if not talk about hustlin' and unfaithful club rats in front of a mic? I'm not even sure where these dudes worked before podcasts were an option. Bouncers, I guess? Stealing cell phones?
marketing probably
Which is more difficult though? Establishing and maintaining a farm or a podcast?
I think it's the high barrier to entry (long days, hard work) that prevent more people from starting a podcast
Farming is far more demanding in startup capital, labor, skill, and hours.
Creating a podcast is easy. Creating a good podcast requires skill. Creating a successful podcast requires skill and luck.
Unless you're famous, wildly charismatic, or have some very specialized knowledge I'm not sure how you break into the podcasting game. I mean you could have a podcast, but it wouldn't earn you a living.
Farming you could have microgreens or mushrooms in customer hands in a few weeks and that could be done from a closet after watching some youtube videos.
Yep, just that easy to earn a living through farming!
That comment 🤣
I'm not saying working your way up to earning a living farming would be any way easy, but you could be earning something a lot sooner than a podcast if you're starting from zero in both scenarios.
Fuckin' eggs come outta their arses!
There’s a lot you can do in the closet after watching some YouTube videos.
I spent all of my teenage years in the closet and I did indeed watch YouTube as a kid
Unless you're famous, wildly charismatic, or have some very specialized knowledge I'm not sure how you break into the podcasting game.
There are only two real options:
Be part of an existing popular podcast. If you get to be a guest appearance and you're charismatic enough, you can get invited back more often until you're a regular. Get good enough to get your own following and then you can eventually break off and do your own thing with sponsorships from the get-go.
Be famous for something else first. If you're a celebrity, author, streamer, YouTube personality, etc., you can start a podcast from nothing and have your sponsors and listeners already lined up.
I see farmers' protests almost every quarter about how they are struggling, how bad big farm competition is, how the equipment they need is prohibitively expensive and vendor locked, how any seeds that they need to be competitive are patented and exorbitant in costs. I didn't know farming was so easy.
Someone tell the farmers to watch youtube videos and clear out their closets. They clearly are doing something wrong.
You're missing my point.
There's zero income if you're an unknown podcaster and there's zero demand for it.
Almost anyone can grow something and there's always demand for fresh produce.
I could work equally hard at either task and one would actually net returns for my work. This isn't saying farming is easy.
You can always feed yourself and your family if you're a farmer, that's not true if you're a podcaster. Also most the farmers that are complaining about those things just want more government subsidies
Farming you could have microgreens or mushrooms in customer hands in a few weeks and that could be done from a closet after watching some youtube videos.
Ha ha ha ha. "It'll be easy they said! You'll be raking in the profits in weeks they said". LOL.
It took me three years of busting my ass to make a profit, and that's considered exceptionally good.
I rarely listened to podcasts prior to farming. Now, that things are winding down, I'm so far behind in my queue
"Do you think food just grows on trees?"
"I mean, some of it does, yeah."
Does she believe that the thing that's causing the lack of farmers is podcasters?
I'd happily be a farmer if it paid a good hourly wage.
Last I heard, farmers make a ton of money on average. It's just tough work and your work/income is at the whims of the weather.
Podcaster meat.
Aw babe, we've been eating nothing but cryptbro podcasters for weeks, do you think we could try some audio fiction podcasters tonight?
Would you like a fairtrade latte with those organic soylent green?
Why the fuck does she complain when she doesn't want to do the very thing she's mad about no one elseis doing, and yet she wants others to drop what they're doing and do that work for her?
Maybe it's just a joke
My favourite part of the day is listening to movie, podcasts, or music while watering the garden. I would say podcasts make us more productive!